Contents -

II. Introduction

The Third Session of the Conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 25 August through 11 September 1947.


The following agenda was adopted by the Conference:

I. Formal Opening of the Conference by the Director-General

II. Election of Officers

III. Adoption of the Agenda of the Session

IV. Admission of Observers to the Conference

V. Admission of New Members

VI. Report of the Executive Committee

VII. Report of the Director-General

VIII. Review of the World Food and Agriculture Situation

1. Reports by member governments

2. Memoranda supplementing the report of the Director-General on the current and prospective world food, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries situations

3. Reports of technical conferences and study groups on particular commodities - e.g. the reports of the Timber Conference, the Cereals Conference, the Rice Study Group, etc.

IX. Report of the Preparatory Commission on World Food Proposals

X. Technical Activities of FAO

XI. Constitutional, Administrative, and Financial Questions

1. Permanent site of FAO

2. Diplomatic immunities and privileges

3. Agreements between FAO and other international organizations

4. Amendments to the Constitution

5. Financial questions

XII. Appointment of the Director-General

XIII. Election of Executive Committee Members

The Conference acted in plenary session on the Admission of Observers, Admission of New Members, Appointment of the Director-General, Election of Members and Chairman of the Council of FAO. Summary accounts of action taken on these matters is included in the section General Actions of the Conference.

Three commissions were set up by the Conference and the remaining agenda items were allocated to them as follows:

Commission I (World Food and Agriculture Situation)

Item IX - Report of the Preparatory Commission on World Food Proposals (Chapters I - VI)

Item VIII - Review of the World Food and Agriculture Situation

1. Reports by member governments

2. Memoranda supplementing the report of the Director-General on the current and prospective food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries situation.

3. Reports of technical conferences and study groups on particular commodities

Commission II (Technical Activities of FAO)

Item X - Technical Activities

Commission III (Constitutional, Administrative, and Financial Questions)

Item IX - Report of the Preparatory Commission on World Food Proposals (Ch. VII)

Item XI - Constitutional, Administrative, and Financial Questions

1. Permanent site of FAO

2. Diplomatic immunities and privileges

3. Agreements between FAO and other international organizations

4. Amendments to the Constitution

5. Financial questions

Item VI, Report of the Executive Committee, and Item VII, Report of the Director-General, were referred to the three commissions, each commission being asked to consider those sections of the reports relevant to its discussions. Each commission prepared a report on its work and these reports, as adopted by the Conference.

The resolutions, recommendations, and amendments to the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations which were adopted by the Conference in accordance with suggestions made in the Commission reports, are included in the section "Resolutions Adopted by the Conference".

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