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Good practice in the design, management and operation of a fresh produce packing-house

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Management of reusable plastic crates in fresh produce supply chains. A technical guide 2009
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    Increased fruit and vegetable production in many countries of Asia and the Pacific has not been accompanied by improvements in post-harvest handling to maintain quality and assure safety. FAO continues to provide technical support and to build capacities to reduce losses and to improve quality and safety management in fruit and vegetable supply chains. One such example is use of plastic crates for the bulk packaging of fresh produce. This technical guide highlights Good Manufacturing Practice s for the handling and storage of reusable plastic crates and protocols for their cleaning and sanitization. It also documents a model of an efficient management system for returnable plastic crates. This guide is targeted primarily for use by returnable plastic crate service providers and stakeholders in fresh produce handling chains: producers, packing house operators, and transport and storage operators. Individuals who are involved with capacity building activities in horticultural chai ns as well as policy makers should also find it a useful reference.
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    Good practice for assuring the post-harvest quality of exotic tree fruit crops produced in Jamaica 2008
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    The training guide is designed to serve as a learning and training resource for practitioners and trainers respectively, working on the post-harvest management of non-traditional tree fruit crops. The guide describes general post-harvest handling principles applicable to horticultural crops and documents good post-harvest handling practice for exotic fruit produced in Jamaica. It is hoped that the guide will stimulate improvements in the supply chains for exotic fruit in Jamaica, lea ding to safer produce of higher quality and to better economic returns for small-scale producers.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The role of post-harvest management in assuring the quality and safety of horticultural produce 2004
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    Basic approaches to maintaining the safety and quality of horticultural produce are the same, regardless of the market to which this produce is targeted. This bulletin reviews the factors that contribute to quality and safety deterioration of horticultural produce, and describes approaches to assure the maintenance of quality and safety throughout the post-harvest chain. Specific examples are given to illustrate the economic implications of investing in and applying correct post-harvest technol ogies. Criteria for the assessment of post-harvest needs, the selection of post-harvest technologies appropriate to the situation and context, and for extending appropriate levels of post-harvest information are also discussed.

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