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An Overview of National Forest Funds: Current Approaches and Future Opportunities

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    Book (stand-alone)
    An Overview of National Forest Funds
    Current Approaches and Future Opportunities
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    This paper presents an overview of the various approaches that developed and developing countries have used in designing national forest funds. It presents some of the common arguments for and against the use of dedicated funds. Finally, this paper describes some likely future roles for funds to promote sustainable forest management.
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    Forests’ contributions to SDGs: an overview and examples from Switzerland for integrated approaches in anticipation of future changes
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Some contributions of forests to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are readily acknowledged such as CO2 sequestration, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods. Our overview reveals a wider variety of possible interactions between forest ecosystem services and all the SDGs. While forests should be seen as an asset to be integrated into the sustainable development agenda, it is difficult to deliver such straightforward and powerful messages beyond the forest realm. Recognizing the need to better integrate forest contributions into wider policies, Swiss examples are presented through the current role of forests in the national sustainable development agenda as well as through its international forest development aid. Key elements supporting the integration of forests in other sectoral policies as well as ways of improving communication on forest ecosystem services are found to be similar across the globe. The paper concludes that traditional forest development and management strategies, which provided some of the most ancient nature-based solutions to societal needs, can provide useful lessons to the sustainability agenda. It points out that improved science-policy dialogues and cross-sectoral prioritization for action (in other words knowledge to action) can be seen as vital stepping stones. These are needed to link contributions of forests to the service of other sectors and to an accelerated implementation of the SDGs. All forests’ contributions to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 should be acknowledged now and integrated forest adaptation strategies can serve as models in the face of climate change and in anticipating the future. Keywords: SDGs, forest ecosystem services; network analysis; integrated forest management; adaptation to climate change ID:3486993
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    Book (series)
    Funding Options for Agricultural Development: the Case for Special Purpose Levies 2005
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    This paper will examine those issues, starting with some background information on the nature of Special Purpose Levies (SPLs) and how they relate to other taxes and charges. An overview will then be provided of the most common SPLs found today – primary industry levies, forestry, fisheries, environmental and water levies, and then miscellaneous others. In order to analyse SPLs it is necessary to place them within their general funding context. For this purpose, the main aspects of special purpo se funds are next considered – their organisation, sources of funds (including SPLs), how the funds are used and their oversight. Recent trends in the development of special purpose funding will be noted next, including international aspects such as under the WTO. Finally in this part of the paper, the arguments in favour of special funding arrangements and the arguments against will be presented. The paper concludes with a check-list of the political and operational issues which should be consi dered, when drafting legislation to set up and administer a special purpose levy.

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