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The future of livestock in Ethiopia

Emerging challenges in the face of uncertainty

FAO. 2019. The future of livestock in Ethiopia. Opportunities and challenges in the face of uncertainty. Rome. 48 pp.
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

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    Opportunities and challenges in the face of uncertainty
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    Kenya decision makers have to deal with so many uncertainties from multiple directions that prioritizing interventions and holding a straight course prove a daunting task. In the next decades, population growth, urbanization, smart technological innovations and adoptions, increased movements of people and goods, not to mention climate change, will thoroughly transform Kenya society, in ways that are often unpredictable. This report looks out to 2050 and presents alternative scenarios, or plausible portrays, of the future of the cattle and poultry sectors in Kenya. The government of Kenya, with support from FAO and USAID, engaged a multitude of stakeholders in a conversation around the knowns and unknowns of the future, such as past and projected trends of societal and livestock dynamics, current policy priorities, technology uptake and institutional changes.
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    Uganda decision makers have to deal with so many uncertainties from multiple directions that prioritizing interventions and holding a straight course prove a daunting task. In the next decades, population growth, urbanization, smart technological innovations and adoptions, increased movements of people and goods, not to mention climate change, will thoroughly transform Uganda society, in ways that are often unpredictable. This report looks out to 2050 and presents alternative scenarios, or plausible portrays, of the future of the cattle and poultry sectors in Kenya. The government of Uganda, with support from FAO and USAID, engaged a multitude of stakeholders in a conversation around the knowns and unknowns of the future, such as past and projected trends of societal and livestock dynamics, current policy priorities, technology uptake and institutional changes.
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    This brief presents a snapshot of the cattle dairy and beef production systems in Ethiopia as agreed by key national stakeholders concerned with or affected by the livestock sector, and notably the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries; the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources; the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change; the Ministry of Health; and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority).

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