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Diagnosing Tropical Race 4 from field to lab

TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum

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  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Precautionary measures to combat Tropical Race 4
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    What to do if you think you have banana plants infected with TR4? provides an outline of precautionary measures to combat Tropical race 4 (TR4) for development practitioners. It asserts that while banana and plantain farmers/growers who regularly check their plants for signs of TR4, they can keep their farms healthy longer through early detection and containment of the disease. Improved monitoring and early action are the most effective ways to protect banana and plantain farms from the spread of TR4. It lists, with some detail, precautions for farmers/growers as well as actions to take if one suspects that one’s plant has been infected with TR4. Next, the document explains how diagnosis generally takes place: the relevant local, national or regional authority will visit the farm property in order to take a sample of the plant showing symptoms. The sample will then be packaged carefully and sent to a specialised laboratory where it is tested for TR4. After the diagnosis If TR4 is confirmed, the farm will be put under quarantine, according to the national legislation on phytosanitary matters and protocols of the corresponding National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO).
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnostiquer la Race tropical 4 du terrain aux laboratoires
    Réseau mondial sur la TR4 – Une initiative du Forum mondial de la banane
    La détection et le diagnostic précoces de la présence de la souche tropicale 4 (TR4), combinés à la destruction rapide des bananiers infectés et aux restrictions dans les exploitations, sont les seuls moyens de contrôler et de contenir le champignon responsable de la maladie. Processus de diagnostic du TR4 - Du champ au laboratoire décrit certaines mesures que les agriculteurs et les producteurs peuvent prendre pour reconnaître les symptômes du TR4. Il s'agit notamment de : être toujours en alerte relativement au TR4; notifier aux autorités telles que l'Organisation Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux (ONPV) tout signe et symptôme de TR4 suspecté; attendre que les autorités compétentes procèdent à une inspection spécialisée; faciliter la collecte d'échantillons qui peuvent être emballés, étiquetés et envoyés avec une chaîne de contrôle sécurisée à un laboratoire spécialisé et assurer des tests de laboratoire, qui, seuls, peuvent véritablement confirmer un foyer de TR4. D'autres diagnostics possibles de plantes atteintes de symptômes de type TR4 sont également décrits dans le document. Il se peut que certains soupçons de TR4 révèlent en réalité une maladie différente ou un phénomène naturel. Quoi qu’il en soit, tous les cas suspects doivent être traités comme potentiellement dangereux.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Together, we can prevent the spread of Tropical Race 4 (TR4)
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    Investments in agriculture, including in innovation in the banana sector, are crucial to increasing the capacity for agricultural productivity and sustainable food production systems are necessary to achieve #ZeroHunger. With a general public audience in mind, the brochure Together, we can prevent the spread of TR4 seeks to explain why bananas and plantains are essential crops around the world for both their economic importance and deep cultural roots. It also highlights the main ways to combat the spread of Tropical race 4 (TR4) which causes the disease Banana Fusarium Wilt (Banana FW). Bananas are the most exported fruit in the world, while plantains contribute greatly to food security and to income generation as a cash crop in countries where they are produced. A transboundary soil-borne fungus, TR4 is recognized as one of the most destructive pests in the history of agriculture and the world’s greatest threat to banana and plantain production. The disease affects many varieties including Cavendish bananas which provide around half of global banana supply. Currently, the most effective approach to combat TR4 is prevention of its spread into clean areas and immediate containment when it is detected. Diversity is also key to prevention of TR4. Diversification of crops and better use of available genetic resources are key to building resilience to the disease in the long term. Emphasis is placed on the support needed for disease management and recovery in TR4 affected countries in which international collaboration and local action are essential.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Precautionary measures to combat Tropical Race 4
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    What to do if you think you have banana plants infected with TR4? provides an outline of precautionary measures to combat Tropical race 4 (TR4) for development practitioners. It asserts that while banana and plantain farmers/growers who regularly check their plants for signs of TR4, they can keep their farms healthy longer through early detection and containment of the disease. Improved monitoring and early action are the most effective ways to protect banana and plantain farms from the spread of TR4. It lists, with some detail, precautions for farmers/growers as well as actions to take if one suspects that one’s plant has been infected with TR4. Next, the document explains how diagnosis generally takes place: the relevant local, national or regional authority will visit the farm property in order to take a sample of the plant showing symptoms. The sample will then be packaged carefully and sent to a specialised laboratory where it is tested for TR4. After the diagnosis If TR4 is confirmed, the farm will be put under quarantine, according to the national legislation on phytosanitary matters and protocols of the corresponding National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO).
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnostiquer la Race tropical 4 du terrain aux laboratoires
    Réseau mondial sur la TR4 – Une initiative du Forum mondial de la banane
    La détection et le diagnostic précoces de la présence de la souche tropicale 4 (TR4), combinés à la destruction rapide des bananiers infectés et aux restrictions dans les exploitations, sont les seuls moyens de contrôler et de contenir le champignon responsable de la maladie. Processus de diagnostic du TR4 - Du champ au laboratoire décrit certaines mesures que les agriculteurs et les producteurs peuvent prendre pour reconnaître les symptômes du TR4. Il s'agit notamment de : être toujours en alerte relativement au TR4; notifier aux autorités telles que l'Organisation Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux (ONPV) tout signe et symptôme de TR4 suspecté; attendre que les autorités compétentes procèdent à une inspection spécialisée; faciliter la collecte d'échantillons qui peuvent être emballés, étiquetés et envoyés avec une chaîne de contrôle sécurisée à un laboratoire spécialisé et assurer des tests de laboratoire, qui, seuls, peuvent véritablement confirmer un foyer de TR4. D'autres diagnostics possibles de plantes atteintes de symptômes de type TR4 sont également décrits dans le document. Il se peut que certains soupçons de TR4 révèlent en réalité une maladie différente ou un phénomène naturel. Quoi qu’il en soit, tous les cas suspects doivent être traités comme potentiellement dangereux.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Together, we can prevent the spread of Tropical Race 4 (TR4)
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    Investments in agriculture, including in innovation in the banana sector, are crucial to increasing the capacity for agricultural productivity and sustainable food production systems are necessary to achieve #ZeroHunger. With a general public audience in mind, the brochure Together, we can prevent the spread of TR4 seeks to explain why bananas and plantains are essential crops around the world for both their economic importance and deep cultural roots. It also highlights the main ways to combat the spread of Tropical race 4 (TR4) which causes the disease Banana Fusarium Wilt (Banana FW). Bananas are the most exported fruit in the world, while plantains contribute greatly to food security and to income generation as a cash crop in countries where they are produced. A transboundary soil-borne fungus, TR4 is recognized as one of the most destructive pests in the history of agriculture and the world’s greatest threat to banana and plantain production. The disease affects many varieties including Cavendish bananas which provide around half of global banana supply. Currently, the most effective approach to combat TR4 is prevention of its spread into clean areas and immediate containment when it is detected. Diversity is also key to prevention of TR4. Diversification of crops and better use of available genetic resources are key to building resilience to the disease in the long term. Emphasis is placed on the support needed for disease management and recovery in TR4 affected countries in which international collaboration and local action are essential.

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