Foresterie dans les terres arides

Climate action after COP26: Gender responsiveness from local to global

23 December 2021
On Monday, December 20, 2021, FAO’s Dryland Forestry team hosted the webinar “Climate action after COP26: Gender responsiveness from local to global” as part of the Forestry Technical Network (FTN) series. The FTN is a network aiming to ensure a high standard of technical expertise through the promotion of innovative practices [...]

Deuxième session du groupe de travail du COFO : des approches forestières innovantes sont nécessaires pour renforcer la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones arides

25 November 2021
Renforcer la capacité des forêts et des systèmes agrosylvopastoraux des zones arides à réduire la pauvreté et à contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire, tel était le thème d'une réunion d'experts organisée cette semaine lors de la deuxième session du Groupe de travail sur les forêts et les systèmes agrosylvopastoraux des [...]

What did you wish for International Day of Rural Women?

22 October 2021
Women everywhere are fundamental reservoirs of knowledge, expertise and skills. Even more so, rural women, possess finetuned capacities and understandings that are essential to sustaining food systems and preserving the environment, offering innovative tools to progress forward. On 15 October 2021, International Day of Rural Women, members of the WeCaN Community of Practice were asked to speak their [...]

WeCaN Unit des Champions des Régions Arides: Premier atelier WeCaN - 29 septembre 2021

06 October 2021
La nouvelle communauté de pratique WeCaN pour les femmes des régions arides a donné le coup d'envoi de son premier atelier hier, 29 septembre 2021, accueillant près de 50 membres du monde entier! Ce qui a commencé comme huit pays a rapidement émergé en seize dans 4 régions, en seulement [...]

Lasting peace in drylands means addressing climate, conflict and land degradation

27 September 2021
Forestry discussion paper launched at UN Food Systems Summit in New York

Webinaire FTN : «Terres arides: à la croisée des chemins entre le changement climatique et les conflits »

02 August 2021
Le mardi 29 juillet 2021 se tenait dans le cadre de la série Réseau Technique Forestier (FTN), le webinaire «Terres arides: à la croisée des chemins entre le changement climatique et les conflits », organisé par l'équipe foresterie dans les terres arides de la FAO. En fournissant une plate-forme promouvant [...]

7 billion trees outside forests in Africa reported for the first time in new data survey

19 July 2021
JOINT NEWS RELEASE 13 July 2021, Accra - A data collection and analysis initiative led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the African Union Commission (AUC) has revealed 7 billion trees outside forests for the first time, among other findings. The survey is the first consistent [...]

Recover, Restore, Protect: the International Day to Combat Drought and Desertification

18 June 2021
Once more, the Dryland Forestry team cut across silos and joined efforts with the Land and Water Division of FAO to celebrate Desertification and Drought Day! One-quarter of the global land area is already affected by land degradation to some degree, to which around 12 million hectares are added every year. [...]

Accelerating Action on the Ground: GLF Launch of the Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM) and the Dryland Restoration Initiative Platform (DRIP)

10 June 2021
On 3 June 2021, FAO’s Forestry Division held a side event at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF). This year, the Forum celebrated the importance of Drylands and the need for their restoration in order to contribute to the achievement of the rallying call of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. [...]

Ambitious $104 million program targets land degradation in Africa and Central Asian countries

09 June 2021
Launch of the FAO-led, Global Environment Facility-funded initiative paves the way for UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration The global launch of a $104 million initiative signals an ambitious effort by a range of partners to safeguard drylands in the context of climate change, fragile ecosystems, biodiversity loss, and deforestation in 11 [...]