
e-Agriculture Good and Promising Practices Published

good practice

e-Agriculture Good and Promising Practices Published

Towards the end of 2017, the e-Agriculture Team at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) announced a call for Good and Promising Practices in Agriculture. We are happy to let you know some of the good/promising practices have been published and are available online via FAO publications.

The good or promising practice are about the various use of ICTs for agriculture, livestock, fisheries or forestry or rural development in general. The following good and promising practices have been published, and some are still in the publication process.

In the following sections we will be promoting and highlighting the individual submissions.

  1. e-Agriculture Promising Practice: ZFU Ecofarmer Combo
  2. e-Agriculture Promising Practice: Rice Crop Manager and Rice Advice: Decision tools for rice crop management
  3. e-Agriculture Promising Practice: aWhere’s agronomic and weather based tips for smallholder farmers
  4. e-Agriculture Promising Practice - e-Vouchers increasing the use of improved agricultural inputs in Mozambique
  5. e-Agriculture Promising Practice Grameen Foundation’s FarmerLink - Driving coconut smallholder productivity and resilience through digital technology
  6. e-Agriculture Promising Practice: UshauriKilimo.org: web and mobile phones for extension services in Tanzania 
  7. e-Agriculture Promising Practice UPTAKE: driving adoption of agri-technologies through information and communication technologies (ICT)

The rest of the publications will be announced when available.

Submitting a good and promising practice on the use of ICTs for Agriculture

The following minimum requirements need to be met in submitting your proposals

  • Use of the good practices template
  • Between 2,000 and 4,000 words
  • Submissions will be accepted in English, French and Spanish
  • Submissions should be written in plain, concise language, and in a style that is accessible and meaningful to all readers, including non-scientists, and readers for whom English/French/Spanish is not a first language. Terms that may be unfamiliar to readers should be defined and explained the first time they appear.
  • Every submission should contain 2 or 3 high-resolution pictures. Each picture needs to indicate copyright and a caption.
  • All citations and work of other authors should be dully referenced at the end of the document.
  • The main author completes the contact form
  • By submitting the good practice for the call, the author allows FAO and its partners to use the information and to publish the submitted document.

More information can be found here

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