
Training in W2.0 to support vegetable production


Training in W2.0 to support vegetable production

Congolese horticultural farmers learn how to produce quality vegetables required by supermarkets. They receive information on the rational use of plant protection products, composting and horticultural practices through various ICTs. A few organizations in the country are using ICTs to provide farmers with climate or marketing advice. These include CIAAD, CSAYN and CARITAS. The rural radio (RTNC), for example, in collaboration with two of its partners in the broadcasting system, supports the production of an interactive radio series, every morning from 5:30 am to 6:00 am.

The objective was to assist small farmers in accessing real-time information on agriculture and rural development. The radio series strengthened the training workshops organized by civil society organizations and specialized services on good agricultural practices.

The Web.2 training series organized by CSAYN and CIAAD presented young farmers with a number of ICT-based tools to facilitate their participation and involvement, both with radio-broadcasters and in the exchanges they have between them. The interactive voice response system is one of the main participatory technologies.

This system allows vegetable producers to access important messages and alerts, listen to parts of radio broadcasts and record and share messages with radio stations, such as lessons learned from the implementation of new methods in the field.

CIAAD provides training and mobile phones to selected farmers' organizations, enabling their members to access voice information on market prices and weather conditions, and advice urban and peri-urban horticulture. Content is provided by CIAAD, a market information agency. It is then recorded by the CIAAD and sent to the radio stations.


Democratic Republic of the Congo Center for Initiatives and Actions for Self-Development "CIAAD" SENAHUP ''

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