
Posts on the topic "Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN)"

Posts on the topic "Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN)"

  • Webinar : Data Governance In Agriculture: Including Farmers

    “Putting farmers at the center of a sustainable and equitable digital transformation of agriculture” is the core objective of the GFAR Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture. The initial partners in the Action, facilitated by GFAR, are: the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technology Development ( FORAGRO ), the Confederation of Family Producers Organizations of the Expanded Mercosur ( COPROFAM ), Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition ( GODAN ) and AgGateway . In the context of this Action, GODAN is hosting a webinar that addresses...
  • Call for Applications for the online course on Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development

    Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations together with the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO) are pleased to call for applications for a new online course “Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development”. There is an exponential growth in data accompanying the digitalisation of agriculture through the proliferation of mobile technology, remote sensing technologies and distributed computing capabilities among others. The effective management of this data will open up new...
  • Invitation to GODAN Webinar on "Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain for Agriculture"

    The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), invites interested person to join the webinar on 23rd January 2019. They published the following details To register Click this link https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4323913435173576193 About the webinar Blockchain has the potential to provide answers to a number of issues in agriculture, from farmer IDs to smart contracts, from traceability and improving certification, digital payments, insurance, consumer feedback and improved logistics. For example, to improve traceability in agriculture value chains, a decentralized...
  • Open and Fair Data for Agriculture

    YITEDEV-Uganda is organising the Open and FAIR Data in Agriculture and Nutrition workshop with the main goal of unlocking the potential of weather, land and nutrition data to better the food value chain in Uganda.
    Uganda, Kampala
  • Call for Registrations : GODAN Action Training - Open Data in Agriculture

    Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and its GODAN Action partners in collaboration with Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) are pleased to announce an Open Data in Agriculture Workshop to be held during International Data Week in Gaborone, Botswana on 6 November 2018. The workshop will be part of a two-day meeting of the Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) at the RDA Pre-Plenary meeting. It will provide an overview of open data in agriculture and nutrition and help participants to make better use or share open data. The workshop will provide users with the...
  • Webinar: Farmers'rights on data and ownership issues

    What do we mean by the farmers’ rights to data? Who owns data? Who is entitled to the value of the data? What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector? There is no doubt that data-driven agriculture has increased agricultural production and...
  • Webinar: Farmers'rights on data and ownership issues

    GODAN partners have scheduled a webinar on farmers'rights on data and ownership issues , on the 18th of September 2018 at 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM CEST. The webinar will address the following questions:- What do we mean by the farmers' rights to data? Who owns data? Who is entitled to the value of the data? What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector? Register here About the webinar What do we mean by the farmers’ rights to data? Who owns data? Who is entitled to the value of the data? What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector? There is no doubt that data-driven agriculture...
  • Join the E-Consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting farmers from 4 to 8 June, 2018 on e-Agriculture

    GODAN, Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL) will hold an e-consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting smallholder farmers from 4 to 8 June 2018. To participate click here Data-driven agriculture is expected to increase agricultural production and productivity. It can help farmers adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change. It can also bring about more economic and efficient use of natural resources,...
  • Day 3: Long-term ethical, legal and policy changes needed to move from the current scenario to the desired scenarios

    What are the long-term ethical, legal and policy changes that need to happen to move from the current scenario towards the desired scenarios?


    • Ethical: what are the ethical questions we should make to contribute to increase food and nutrition security and better livelihoods of the poorest and most vulnerable farmers around the world by harnessing their access to and use of agricultural data? How should our mindset change in the long term about data rights? Should data rights be recognized as human rights? Should we still consider receiving a service in exchange for surrendering data an ethically acceptable business model?
    • Legal: what do you think are the best legal approaches to achieve the desired scenarios? How to recognize and implement farmers’ intellectual property rights over their data and traditional knowledge? How should the licensing scenario change?
    • Policy: what strategies and priority areas of intervention would you recommend at the policy level? Do you think there should be more governance and by whom? Do you think international agreements could help?

    Changements éthiques, juridiques et politiques nécessaires à long terme pour passer du scénario actuel aux scénarios souhaités.   

    Quels sont les changements éthiques, juridiques et politiques à long terme qui doivent être apportés pour passer du scénario actuel aux scénarios souhaités?  


    • Éthique: quelles sont les questions éthiques que nous devrions poser pour contribuer à accroître la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle et améliorer les moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables du monde en exploitant l’accès et l’utilisation des données agricoles? Comment notre état d'esprit devrait-il changer à long terme en ce qui concerne les droits relatifs aux données? Les droits sur les données devraient-ils être reconnus en tant que droits de l'homme? Devrions-nous toujours envisager de recevoir un service en échange de la remise de données, un modèle d'entreprise éthiquement acceptable?    
    • Juridique: quelles sont selon vous les meilleures approches juridiques pour réaliser les scénarios souhaités? Comment reconnaître et mettre en œuvre les droits de propriété intellectuelle des agriculteurs sur leurs données et leurs savoirs traditionnels? Comment le scénario de licence devrait-il changer?  
    • Politique: quelles stratégies et domaines prioritaires d'intervention recommanderiez-vous au niveau des politiques? Pensez-vous qu'il devrait y avoir plus de gouvernance et par qui? Pensez-vous que les accords internationaux pourraient aider?    

    Cuáles son los cambios que se requieren a largo plazo a nivel ético, legal y político para transformar el escenario actual en los escenarios deseados?


    • Éticos Cuáles son las preguntas éticas que debemos hacernos para contribuir a aumentar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y mejorar las condiciones de vida de los agricultores más pobres y vulnerable, a través de mejorar su acceso y uso de datos agrícolas? Cómo debería cambiar nuestra percepción a largo plazo sobre los derechos sobre los datos? Deberían reconocerse los derechos sobre los datos como derechos humanos? Deberíamos considerar el recibir un servicio a cambio de la entrega de datos como un modelo económico ético aceptable? 
    • Legal: Cuáles piensa Usted que son las mejores aproximaciones legales para alcanzar los escenarios deseados? Cómo reconocer e implementar los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los agricultores sobre sus datos y conocimiento tradicional? Cómo debería cambiar el escenario actual de las licencias? 
    • Político: Qué estrategias y áreas prioritarias de intervención recomendaría a nivel político? Cree Usted que debería haber mayor gobernanza y por quién? Cree Usted que acuerdos internacionales puedan ayudar?  


  • Day 4: Actions to be taken in 2018-2021 to ensure smallholder farmers benefit from agricultural data in the future

    Moving to the present and near future: what actions should be taken in 2018-2021 to ensure smallholder farmers benefit from agricultural data? Which actors would you expect to take specific roles?

    Example: if one of the policy changes identified is more institutional collaboration to improve the international, national and local governance of farmers’ data rights, which are the best ways and immediate steps to foster this now? Which actors should take these steps?

    Actions à entreprendre en 2018-2021 pour assurer que les petits agriculteurs bénéficient des données agricoles à l'avenir.  

    Passons au présent et au futur proche: quelles actions devraient être entreprises en 2018-2021 pour s'assurer que les petits agriculteurs bénéficient des données agricoles? Quels acteurs vous attendez-vous à jouer des rôles spécifiques? 
    Exemple: si l'un des changements de politique identifiés est une collaboration plus institutionnelle pour améliorer la gouvernance internationale, nationale et locale des droits des données des agriculteurs, quels sont les meilleurs moyens et les mesures immédiates pour encourager cela? Quels acteurs devraient prendre ces mesures?  

    Cuáles son las acciones que deben adoptarse del 2018 al 2021 para asegurar que los pequeños agricultores se beneficien de los datos agrícolas en el futuro?

    Moviéndonos al presente y futuro cercano: Qué acciones deberían adoptarse en 2018-2021 para asegurar que los pequeños agricultores se beneficien de los datos agrícolas? Qué actores esperaría Usted asumirían roles específicos? 
    Ejemplo: si uno de los cambios políticos identificados es más sobre colaboración institucional para mejorar la gobernanza internacional, nacional y local de los agricultores sobre sus derechos sobre los datos, cuáles son las mejores formas y pasos inmediatos para fomentar esto? Qué actores deberían seguir estos pasos?