Markets and trade

School milk

World School Milk Day started in 2000 to raise awareness of school milk programmes and is celebrated each year on the last Wednesday in September.  Each year, events are held in over 25 countries.

FAO has long-established networks to share information on all aspects of school milk: one deals specifically with school milk, while the other covers the dairy industry in general, including school milk.

FAO has co-operated with national organisations to present a series of regional and international conferences on the provision of milk to school-aged children. The focus is on providing a forum for the exchange of information and experiences between professionals working with school milk programmes.

free subscription!

The School Milk List is a network to facilitate the exchange of information on developments relating to school milk programme.

The service is free!
Members are expected to enhance the scope of the network by supplying information relating to school milk programmes in their countries at least once every six months. Such information could be in the form of a question or an answer sent to the List, or you could send a printed report/newspaper article to the School Milk Owner.

How to subscribe
Send an email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to [email protected]


Note: The School Milk List is not intended for private companies to use as a vehicle for undertaking market research or to promote their products.