Commerce et marchés
Type of record
reviewed & published
The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network in Europe and Central Asia
Date (from)
Date (to)
Event Location
Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova

During the Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network in Europe and Central Asia, participants will be able to discuss recent agri-food trade policy developments in twelve post-Soviet countries. The experts of the network will present draft country chapters for the joint publication “Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet countries”. Also during the Annual Meeting, the prospects for development of agricultural trade with China will be discussed. Experts from different countries will present results of their research on trade with China, analyze possible implications of economic development of China for agriculture in some countries of Central Asia and Eastern Europe. One of the sessions of the annual meeting will also be devoted to the discussion of the impact of climate change on agricultural trade in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

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