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 > Economic and Social Development stream > Reuniones y noticias > How to become an observer
©FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico

How to become an IGG delegate or observer

The IGG Sessions are open to official delegates and observers only. The term "delegates” refers to the persons appointed by an FAO Member Nation or an Associate Member to attend the Session, i.e. delegates and alternates, associates and advisors.

Delegations from nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate
Members of FAO, are Members of the United Nations, or any of its Specialized Agencies may, on request, attend FAO sessions in an observer status.

The credentials of delegates, alternates, associates and advisers, and of the representatives of participating international organizations shall, as far as possible, be deposited with the Director-General. The credentials of delegates, alternates, associates and advisers shall be issued by, or on behalf of, the Head of State, the Head of Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Minister concerned. A Permanent Representative to the Organization does not require special credentials if his/her letter of accreditation to the Organization specifies that he/she is authorized to represent his/her government at sessions of the Conference, it being understood that this would not preclude the Government from accrediting another delegate or delegates.