Commerce et marchés


Trade related capacity development in Eastern and Southern Africa

© WTO/Jay Louvion

E-learning course: Agriculture in Trade Agreements
16 October – 17 November 2017, Online
This course seeks to strengthen capacities in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, to develop and implement evidence-based trade policies, and to formulate and negotiate trade agreements, as a response to the increasing need for trade experts to support trade related development agenda in the region.

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
13 September 2017
Kigali, Rwanda
The workshop was organized to validate the assessment findings and recommendations with national stakeholders and agree of the path forward to strengthen agriculture and trade policy coherence in Rwanda. 

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
16 August 2017
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The workshop presented identified gaps and synergies in the agriculture and trade policies and policy making progresses.

E-learning course: Trade, Food Security and Nutrition
31 July - 1 September 2017
This course seeks to strengthen capacities in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, to develop and implement evidence-based trade policies, and to formulate and negotiate trade agreements, taking into consideration both their needs for economic growth and structural transformation. 

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
27 July 2017
Lusaka, Zambia
The workshop was organized to validate the findings of the analytical report, agree on priority areas for sectoral coordination, and identifying actionable next steps for addressing the priority areas.

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
26 July 2017
Maputo, Mozambique
The workshop follows on from a dialogue on policy coherence between trade and agriculture.