Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis


FAPDA is upgrading its web-based tool

FAPDA recently carried out an assessment, including a broadly disseminated survey in September 2014, to learn from current and potential users how it can be more user-friendly and better facilitate policy research and analysis. Based on this feedback, FAPDA is upgrading its food and agriculture policy decision database, the FAPDA tool. The upgraded tool will be more user-friendly and dynamic, with additional functions that facilitate research, analysis and inform the decisions of policy makers. New filters have been included in the design to refine users’ search by Commodity or Food Security dimension. Furthermore, the Report function in Excel will be expanded to enable quantitative analysis, with the introduction of numeric codes for the most relevant data.

The policy panel will also include new functionalities such as policy direction, targeted policies, status of implementation and whether policies are responding an emergency. Last but not least, any user will now be able to report and submit policy decisions not currently in the tool, through a simple and direct form available for download on FAPDAs website.

The upgraded tool will be ready to use from January 2015, and we hope you will enjoy it.



Key food security policy trends in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Iran, Tanzania and Yemen

The policy decisions made by governments since their initial reactions to the 2007/08 food crisis have shaped their current economic and food security status. Major challenges to food and agriculture have not receded, nor the efforts of policy makers to investigate and pre-empt emerging concerns.

Read more



Monitoring food market developments in the Asia-Pacific region

Tracking developments in food markets improves market transparency and helps to identify emerging issues that might be relevant to policy makers. The 2007/08 food price crisis raised concerns of the necessity to closely monitor domestic and international food prices. In the current context of interconnected and volatile markets, the collection and dissemination of timely information are key in providing early warning of potential problems or shocks that may require policy responses.

In fact, the monitoring of food prices and policies at national, regional and global level has become a central focus of several international organizations and initiatives including FAO, WFP, IFPRI, WB and the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS). Furthermore, governments have been increasingly demanding support to strengthen their capacity to monitor and analyse food market developments at the national level.

The monthly Asia-Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor of the FAO Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific, provides governments and international organizations with up-to-date information on national and regional food price and policy developments.

The May issue highlights that the region’s food price inflation continued to ease through April, though at a slower pace than in March. Rice prices remained stable in April, except in Pakistan and Sri Lanka where lower production pushed prices up.  In view of this, Sri Lanka has removed all rice import duties to ensure supplies in the domestic market and curb these price rises. Conversely, Cambodia, an emerging rice exporting country, eliminated export fees in an attempt to boost its competitiveness in the international markets. Countries in the region are preparing for the potential impacts of El Niño, resulting in abnormal and extreme weather patterns such as droughts and floods. Among these countries, Indonesia has set to increase its rice strategic stockpiles while the Philippines are implementing a plan of action to improve small-scale irrigation systems.

Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) contributes to the Asia-Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor by collecting the most recent national policies with potential impact on prices of basic food commodities. This and additional policy information on the region is likewise available through the FAPDA web-based Tool.



FAPDA Global report Executive summary

The Executive Summary of the recently published FAPDA Global report - Food and agriculture policy decisions - Trends emerging issues and policy alignements since the 2007/08 food security crisis - is now available for download in English and French.

  Download Executive Summary (Eng)

  Download Executive Summary (Fra)



FAPDA Global report online

The official launch of the 2013 FAPDA Report took place at the International Consultation on Policy Monitoring in Developing Countries on December 11, 2013 at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

Based on extensive research, document reviews and country level surveys, the report covers a broad range of food security and agricultural development policy decisions implemented over the period 2007-2012. More than 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) which represent 81, 90 and 98 percent of the total populations respectively, are included in the review. 

Focusing on policies most debated and most frequently implemented since the 2007/08 food price crisis, the report identifies clear trends and emerging issues, presenting them at the national, regional and global level.  Additional cross-cutting analysis examines policy harmonization within RECs and how national policy integration can either complement or compromise efforts for regional food security.

  Download Report


Global experts and decision makers to gather at FAO for policy dialogue

FAO held an International Consultation on Policy Monitoring in Developing Countries at its Rome Headquarters on December 11, 2013 to reaffirm the need for sustained and coordinated monitoring of polices designed to reduce hunger and boost the agricultural sector.

The consultation was held as part of the United Nations agency’s mission to elevate the role of policy monitoring to achieve food security and agricultural growth. It brought together high-level policy makers from developing countries and leading global experts to exchange views on the role of policy monitoring in supporting the economic and social development strategies of developing countries.

For further information:

- Concept note

- Event programme

- Event web page


Making Policy Count: debate on policy monitoring

On 10 October 2013, the Economic and Social Development Department of FAO will host a side event on policy monitoring during the CFS 40 session (7- 11 October 2013): Monitoring Food and Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries: Understanding country practices and the impacts

The purpose of this side event is to share results obtained and best practices identified with delegates from partner countries and initiate policy dialogue at international, regional and national levels. Panelists include experts from Burkina Faso, Tanzania, NEPAD, OECD, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Policy is a key component of successful agricultural development and food security. But in order to get policy right, policy-makers in developing countries require better evidence and tools to assess the effect of their policy framework on producers and consumers.

FAO is actively engaged in supporting governments and other stakeholders to monitor food and agricultural policies and their effects. With the Monitoring African Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP and the Food and Agricultural Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA)) initiatives, FAO works with member countries to build robust and sustainable policy mapping and measurement systems. In addition, policy monitoring is integrated in FAO’s new Strategic Framework as an area of work that contributes to stronger food systems and increased food security.

But why is it important to monitor food and agricultural policies especially in developing countries? What are the experiences with the on-going policy monitoring work? How are policy-makers turning evidence into action?

All CFS participants are cordially invited to this breakfast side event, and join the debate on how we can make policy count.

For more information:


New Asia-Pacific food price and policy monitoring publication announced
Bangkok, Thailand (08 August 2013)

FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific began issuing the monthly Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor (APFPPM) on July 13. The new APFPPM covers food prices in local markets and provides readers with up to date information on food and agricultural policy developments across the region collected by FAPDA and available in the FAPDA Tool for public consultation. See the report here


ASEAN: Meeting of Directors-General of Agricultural Statistics of ASEAN+3 countries and AFSIS Focal Points Meeting
Pattaya, Thailand (02-04 April 2013)

During the Meeting the joint collaboration between FAO/FAPDA and ASEAN/AFSIS (ASEAN Food Security Information System) on policy information sharing was officially announced and core activities were presented.


FAPDA in Cambodia: partnership with CARD formalized
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
(March 2013)

The collaboration with the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development of Cambodia (CARD) to establish policy monitoring system at country level was formally launched. With the support of FAO Country Office, FAPDA has trained selected CARD staff to perform the policy monitoring and update the FAPDA Tool. A new webpage was developed by the Food Security and Nutrition Information System (FSNIS) of CARD and a leaflet was produced and distributed to promote FAPDA-CARD collaboration and raise awareness on food and agriculture policy monitoring activities.


Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis – Team Strategic Workshop
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy (22-24 January 2013)

The FAPDA Team Strategic Workshop was held from 22-24 January 2013, at the FAO Headquarters, in Rome. The purpose of the workshop was to define FAPDA’s Vision, Strategy and Road Map/Work Plan for the Team in 2013.

Objectives and expected outputs of the Workshop:

  1. Define a Vision and Strategy for FAPDA and its alignment with other related policy work in ES and its institutionalization.
  2. Identify main outputs at global and country levels for countries to be validated, plus relevant regional level outputs.
  3. Define next steps and prepare an overall work plan including budget and timeline
  4. Determine Priority Roles and Responsibilities for the team members, for 2013.


Training of FAPDA national focal points
Algiers, Algeria (23 October 2012)

FAPDA activities in Algeria were officially launched in December 2011 with the presence of Minister of Agriculture. During the preparatory phase twenty national stakeholders from nine different ministries were officially nominated as FAPDA focal points. Following an informative meeting, a capacity development workshop was organized on 23 October 2012 with the support of FAO Algeria and FAO Subregional office for North Africa. National focal points are now able to use FAPDA tool and regularly update with recent policy decisions. A follow-up meeting will be held for evaluation of the first phase and planning the activities for 2013.


ASEAN: Consultation Meeting on ASEAN Plus Three Food Security Information System Mechanism
Bangkok, Thailand (22-24 October 2012)

A Consultation Meeting was held to discuss issues of establishment of AFSIS (ASEAN Food Security Information System) as a permanent mechanism and it was attended by 30 delegates from ASEAN+3 Countries, ASEAN Secretariat, FAO and Ministry of Agriculture of Japan. During the event, FAPDA was introduced to explore the possibility for a collaboration with AFSIS on exchange of food and agriculture policy information and preparation of analytical outputs related to food security issues in ASEAN countries.


Training of FAPDA national focal points
Tunis, Tunisia (2-3 May 2012)

Tunisia was identified by the Sub Regional Policy Officer for North Africa as the pilot country to explore the possibilities and modalities for establishing a policy monitoring system at country level. After a preparatory phase, focal points were identified and officially nominated by their relevant ministries to participate to FAPDA capacity development workshop in Tunisia. The workshop was held in May 2012. As a result the national focal points are now able to use FAPDA tool, submit recent policy decisions on regular basis and harmonize their activities among all relevant ministries. This phase will be further evaluated by FAPDA Team at the end of 2012.


Regional Workshop of the Near East and North Africa Regional Network for Agricultural Policies (NENARNAP)
Beirut, Lebanon (10-12 October 2011

The Regional Workshop of NENARNAP was held under the theme “Current Developments in the Near East Region: Implications for Agriculture and Food Security”. FAPDA was presented to expand its implementation in the region through investigating the possibility of institutionalizing the policy monitoring at country level.


Regional Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Food Security and Nutrition
Cairo, Egypt  (2-4 October 2011)

The workshop was organized in order to contribute to a more effective food security and nutrition governance mechanism through which countries and other participants provide policy inputs to the CFS through a multi-stakeholder consultation process. Three main topics of Price Volatility and Food Security: Investment in Food Security, and Gender, Food and Nutrition Security were discussed in an effort to identify policy options and to share lessons learned and best practices. The discussion highlighted the needs to have a regional platform to establish a coordinated system. Such platform can help address global challenges, knowing which actions are being taken, and map policies, strategies and programmes against domestic inflow of investment. As a means to contribute to tackle such a lack of knowledge, lessons learned from FAPDA were shared and its on-going efforts were highlighted.