Technical Conversion Factors For Agricultural Commodities

This latest electronic publication updates two earlier printed versions of the publication produced in 1960 and revised in 1972, by the Statistics Division of FAO. It is an extremely useful and necessary compendium for both statisticians and economists to follow the commodity product sequence (referred to as "the commodity tree") and allows one the possibilty of using the information presented to convert product data from primary equivalent to secondary equivalent and/or vice versa. Also, it is an essential tool in building up supply utilization accounts, food balance sheets and calculating derived agricultural statistics.

The document shows, inter alia, data per country for - crop seeding rates, waste rates, extraction rates, the average live weight of animals, birth rates, take-off rates, as well as yield per animal for a number of major livestock products.

 Technical Conversion Factors for Agricultural Commodities (5.3Mb)

Smaller version of the document for slower internet connection (zipped, 3Mb)

This preliminary beta 1.g document (15/6/00) is being updated continually as returned country questionnaires, covering this important data, are received in the Statistics Division. You should check back here regularly to get the latest version and updates. You can drill down to, or see, the "commodity trees" by clicking on the individual products name in the document. Data received from returned questionnaires is shown in red in the document.

Click here for commodities in English, French and Spanish - English, French, Spanish (you may find this to be a useful translation table for major commdodities/products)

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