Seminar on Education for Rural People with the Italian NGOs.

Seminar on Education for Rural People with the Italian NGOs.
FAO, the UNESCO Institute of Education Planning and the European civil society united forces to carry-out a two-year program known as "Education for rural people and food security: a participatory approach to poverty reduction" in support of the global flagship partnership initiative, led by FAO on Education for Rural People (ERP) and funded by the European Commission. The project, to be developed in 2004-2006, aims at consolidating the network of stakeholders engaged in supporting greater access to quality basic education for rural people focusing specifically on bridging the efforts of civil society in the North and South, and those of UN Organizations and governments engaged in ERP. The initiative will focus on capacity building of NGOs to enable them to undertake activities in favour of ERP, especially in liaising with other stakeholders. The project will also focus on fostering awareness of the importance of ERP as part of the Education for All national plans and of rural development strategies. It is also an example of an initiative to be implemented within the International Alliance Against Hunger.
The initiative, formulated by ACRA - an Italian NGO specialized in rural development - in collaboration with the Education Group of the Extension, Education and Communication Service of FAO (SDRE) will liaise with several NGOs from Europe, Africa and Latin America.


