The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

SAFOSO and REMESA meeting

16/07/2019 - 17/07/2019
HQ Rome, IT,

SAFOSO and REMESA meeting - Technical meeting (WS) on evaluation of emergency preparedness  for FMD and similar TADs in North Africa

Within the programme of Pillar II of the EuFMD workplan (risk reduction) 2017-2019 to support REMESA, a specific assistance and support has been planned to improve the emergency preparedness in North Africa and Middle East.  Considering the recent FMD outbreaks in NA and the difficulties in limiting the spread in some areas, the countries have been offered to participate in a technical meeting to discuss and assess the level of emergency preparedness for FMD in order to identify on which specific aspects a more in depth analysis  should be conducted.

The meeting will be held with experts on contingency planning and emergency preparedness of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia in order to:

-          Identify the main weaknesses in the emergency preparedness capacity  for FMD and other Transboundary Animal Diseases.
-          Start the design of a multi-country simulation exercise to assess contingency planning capacity
-          Define the process to be adopted beyond the simulation exercise to improve the emergency preparedness in North Africa.
The technical meeting will be held from 16 - 17 July 2019 in FAO-HQ . 

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