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The new European Green Deal

The new Commission starts its mandate with high ambitions thanks to the new European Green Deal. Our first objective is to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. But, this must be accompanied by much wider environmental initiatives, starting with a new EU Biodiversity Strategy. Adopted in April 2017, the EU Action Plan for nature, people and the economy aimed to address the principal shortcomings
identified during the fitness check of the two EU Nature Directives published the previous year. The Plan put forward 15 concrete actions, structured around four priorities, designed to speed up the implementation of the Directives on the ground and improve their coherence with broader socio-economic objectives. Nearly three years on, as the Action Plan reaches the end of its mandate, the time has come to look back at all that has been achieved.
Editor: EU
Organización: European Commission
Año: 2020
ISBN: 2443-7727
País(es): European Union
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Informe
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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