Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Future farmers in Europe

"Go for it. Choose the rural alternative. Reclaim the fields!" All around Europe, young urban people with no agricultural background decide to start a farm, often using principles of agroecology and community supported agriculture. Despite the many difficulties these new farmers face, their practices are innovative, viable and sustainable. Representing new forms of family farming, they are a response to Europe's emptying countrysides.

What drives young people make this radical choice? What obstacles did they encounter and which solutions did they find? What do they recommend others with similar aspirations? What insights do they have for markets, policy and research?

This short video portrays 8 'future farmers' from France, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands.

Auteur: Cultivate!
Autres autheurs: Future farmers in the spotlight
Organisation: Cultivate!
Autres organisations: Future farmers in the spotlight
Année: 2017
Pays: France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Couverture géographique: Union européenne
Type: Vidéos
Langue: English
