Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Job creation and social inclusion

Outreach Local economic development Attracting revenue

Job creation is a challenge everywhere in Europe, including in fisheries areas, whether coastal or inland. Nevertheless, many fisheries areas have specific opportunities they can exploit, within but also outside of traditional fishing activities, and often linked to the attractiveness of the areas concerned. A challenge, however, is to broaden the scope of local activities and move beyond strictly sectoral approaches, while also preserving the fisheries know-how and identity that has shaped the area.

Title of publication: Farnet Magazine
Том: 13
Число страниц: 10-11
Организация: FARNET
Другие организации: European Commission
Год: 2016
Страна/страны: Poland
Географический охват: Европейский союз
Категория: Статья информационного бюллетеня
Язык контента: English

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