منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

شبكة منبر المعارف

 تساعد شبكة منبر المعارف في ربط الجهات الفاعلة الرئيسية من نفس البلد أو الإقليم، وتشجّعها على استكشاف مجالات ذات اهتمام مشترك قد تشكل أساسا لإقامة شراكات وتعاون في ما بين أعضائها.

هل أنتم مهتمون بالانضمام إلى شبكة منبر المعارف؟

 وبالانضمام إلى هذه الشبكة، ستتاح للأعضاء فرصة تسليط الضوء دوليًا على المنظمة/الجمعية/التعاونية الخاصة بهم من خلال منبر معارف الزراعة الأسرية.  إن الأعضاء المهتمين بأن يصبحوا أعضاء في شبكة منبر المعارف مدعوون إلى تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه.

التسجيل مفتوح للجميع.

تُقدَّم المعلومات المتعلقة بأعضاء شبكة منبر المعارف من قبل الأعضاء أنفسهم. ومن ثم، فإن المنظمة ليست مسؤولة عن دقتها ولا عن أي استخدام لهذه المعلومات من قبل المستخدمين.

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نوع المنظمة

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Research center
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL was founded in 1973 and is one of the world’s leading research and information centres for organic agriculture and employs 300 people in Switzerland. The close links between different fields of research and the rapid transfer of knowledge from research to advisory work...

Enveve SA

We are a private sector company in digital agriculture, InsurTech and digital decisions support

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Research center
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture with locations across Europe. FiBL’s strengths lie in its interdisciplinary research, innovations developed jointly with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research into...

Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development

Non-governmental organization
Biovision was founded in 1998 by Swiss World Food Prize recipient Dr. Hans Rudolf Herren, with the aim of sustainably improving life for people in Africa while conserving the environment as the basis for all life. In the 1980s, the world renowned entomologist Hans Rudolf Herren saved millions of people in...

Origin for Sustainability

Organisation annuelle du Forum international Origine, Diversité et Territoires

Organic Farm Knowledge

The Organic Farm Knowledge platform provides access to a wide range of tools and resources about organic farming that can help improve production. It also aims to serve as a virtual meeting place for cross-border learning. The platform promotes the exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers, and scientists, with the...

Women International League for Peace and Freedom

International Organization
The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with National Sections covering every continent, an International Secretariat based in Geneva, and a New York office focused on the work of the United Nations (UN). Since our establishment in 1915, we have brought together women...

Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services

Non-governmental organization
Promoting and strengthening Extension and Rural Advisory Services in collaboration with 17 regional networks across 6 continents

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Research center
FiBL is an independent, non-profit, research institute with the aim of advancing cutting-edge science in the field of organic agriculture. FiBL’s research team works together with farmers to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions to boost agricultural productivity while never losing sight of environmental, health and socio-economic impacts. Alongside practical research,...
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