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The CCAFRICA Region - Regional Coordinator Uganda

The ‘Coordinating Committee for Africa’ was established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1972 with a mandate to “exercise general coordination in the preparation of standards relating to the region of Africa”. The committee held its first meeting at FAO in 1974, with 19 countries in attendance.

As the new regional coordinator begins their term, the Agreement of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which came into effect in May 2020, has reinforced the need for an efficient and effective system for managing sanitary and phytosanitary measures, in particular food safety, across the continent as its borders open for trade.

The regional coordinator is based in the Uganda National Bureau of Standards, a statutory body under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co-operatives which oversees, as part of its mandate, the promotion and use of standards.

As regional coordinator, Uganda intends to engage closely with countries via surveys, webinars and workshops to identify needs and emerging issues, create awareness of priority food safety issues and of Codex standards. A pilot study will also explore the food safety situation in broader terms across the region. By strengthening engagement with regional bodies such as the African Union, the African Organisation for Standardisation and the African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, Uganda also aims to enhance advocacy work in the region.


News from the region

World Food Safety Day/ Revitalization of the INFOSAN Network in Niger

By KEMBOU Etienne, Technical Officer Food Safety and Nutrition, WHO Multi-Country Assignment Teams (MCAT);Dr LAOUALI ABDOU Aissatou and RABO Souleymane, Food Safety and Nutrition Team WHO Country Office Niger;DIOFFO Salou, Codex Contact Point, Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs Niger As a prelude to the commemoration of World Food Safety Day 2024, thirty people, including representatives of administrative sectors, Civil Society Organizations, technical and financial partners and academics, were briefed on the organization, institutional structure, functioning, roles and [...]
05 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Kenya’s preparations are under way

By: Maryann Kindiki- CCP, Kenya Kenya is in top gear in its preparations for World Food Safety Day 2024. On 30 April the national planning committee convened to engage media for a briefing on the theme of this year’s World Food Safety Day commemoration. This is aimed at guiding the media on the theme to ensure informed reporting. The planning committee is chaired by the Ministry of Health and comprises government agencies, academia and research, private sector alliances and associations, media and [...]
28 May 2024

Eswatini takes a bold step forward to establish a strong food safety control system and culture

By Funwako Dlamini, CCP for Eswatini, Milagrosa Mondlane, SWASA, Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA and John Oppong-Otoo, AU-IBAR A training session has taken place 3–5 April 2024 in Ezulwini, Eswatini, to equip national stakeholders with improved capacities as part of the country’s efforts to establish and strengthen engagement in Codex. The training was attended by 25 trainees drawn from different state and non-state actors who are part of the National Codex Committee (NCC) and who have responsibility for food safety along the [...]
03 May 2024

CCFA54/ Kenya blazes a trail for fellow CCAFRICA Members in CCFA as new Chair of WG on Priorities

In a Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) first for the CCAFRICA region, Kenya has become Chair to the CCFA in-session working group (WG) on priorities. This is the group that establishes priority lists of food additives for risk assessment by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). We asked the new in-session WG Chairperson, Mr Peter Mutua, about why Kenya wanted to take on this role and what advice he has for fellow CCAFRICA Members, and the wider [...]
22 April 2024

National Codex Committee of Cabo Verde analyses progress

The National Codex Committee (CNCA) in Cabo Verde has been active in recent weeks, planning the year’s activities and unveiling the CNCA website. On 8 March, the 16th ordinary meeting of the CNCA was held, with the aim of analyzing the CNCA Activity Plan for 2024, focusing on the process of activating the national Codex subcommittees. At the meeting information was presented on the Cabo Verde Codex Trust Fund Project activities to be carried out in 2024, as well as on updates [...]
16 April 2024

“Africa has come together” - ready to partner with the rest of the world to prioritize global food safety

Over the last few years, food safety has been prioritized across the African continent, as evidenced by, for example, its new African Union (AU) Food Safety Strategy 2022-2036, which was launched on World Food Safety Day 2022, and now Kenya’s leadership in the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) on new guidelines for food hygiene control measures in traditional markets for food. According to the African Union’s Food Safety Officer, John Oppong-Otoo, 70 percent of urban households in Africa rely [...]
26 March 2024

Validation workshop for study on the use of Codex standards in Benin

On 6 February 2024, a validation workshop on a study on the use of Codex Alimentarius standards in Benin took place in Cotonou, Benin. This workshop brought together members of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee, actors from the private and public sectors that use these standards, and consumer associations. The general objective of this study is to know the level of use of international Codex standards. Specifically, the aim was to identify the uses made of international Codex standards in [...]
07 February 2024

Codex Trust Fund / East African Community meeting highlights the value of Codex texts

By Ms. Sylvia KIRABO, Head of Public Relations and Marketing, Uganda National Bureau of Standards As part of the Codex Trust Fund (CTF) Group project currently being implemented in five Countries of the East African Community (EAC), a regional validation meeting was held in Mombasa, Kenya, from 15th to 17th of November 2023. The meeting, with participants from Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, South Sudan and Uganda, focused on the use and implementation of the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction [...]
20 December 2023

Rwanda workshop raises awareness on full stakeholder engagement in Codex

by Ms Rosine Niyonshuti, Secretary, National Codex Committee, Rwanda On December 7th, 2023 the Rwanda Standards Board (RSB), held a workshop to increase the country’s participation in the development and dissemination of information on international food standards of Codex. Through the presentation on the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), panel discussions and updates on Codex work, the workshop aimed to raise awareness of government officials, industry, academia and consumers on the functioning of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and of the National Codex Committee. The workshop provided [...]
11 December 2023

Ethiopia’s national Codex visit: a journey of improvement

Embarking on a transformative quest, delegates from the Ethiopian National Codex Committee made a pivotal trip across Europe via France, Brussels and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, arranged by the European Union (EU) Codex Contact Point. This trip was an opening to enhance Ethiopia's involvement in Codex activities at national, regional and global levels. The delegates gained an immense insight during their seven-day tour, taking inspiration from France’s and the Netherlands’ roles hosting the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) and [...]
06 December 2023

CCAFRICA Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCAFRICA Secretariat

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Email: [email protected]