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هيئة الدستور الغذائي
27/06/2016 - 01/07/2016 | روما, إيطاليا


The 39th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission will be held from June 27th to July 1st 2016 in Rome, Italy.
The Session will begin at 10:00, Monday, June 27th. The Session will be conducted in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, by 11th June 2016 at the latest.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Codex Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]
Only in case of technical difficulty, the registration form should be sent directly to the Codex Secretariat.


The documents for the session are available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian and will be placed on the Codex website as soon as they are prepared. NB! We kindly remind you to obtain all documentation from the Codex website prior to the meeting.

A zip file with all the uploaded documents (working documents and CRDs 1-37) is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

More information are available in the Information for Delegates document in the table here below.


Corrections to the Draft List of Participants (available in the table here below) can be done until Monday 4th July at this LINK (please login first).

المستندات ذات الصلة

العنصروصفتاريخ التحميل
الوثيقة المرجعية
1جدول الأعمال المؤقت24/03/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/1
19تحديد البلدان المسؤولة عن تعيين رؤساء لجان الدستور الغذائي03/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/23
11عمل الدستور الغذائي المستقبلي في مجال مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات03/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/12
18انتخاب الرئيس ونوابه مذكرة تفسيرية عن الإجراءات والتصويت 09/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/22
5إلغاء نصوص الدستور الغذائي11/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/6
4اعتماد نصوص الدستور الغذائي عند الخطوة 511/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/4
7اقتراحات لوقف العمل10/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/8
6اقتراحات لعمل جديد23/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/7
3الاعتماد النهائي لنصوص الدستور الغذائي (عند الخطوات 8 و5/8 و5ألف)31/05/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/2
20.2مسألة تأشيرات الدخول للمشاركة في اجتماعات الدستور الغذائي03/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/25
4.1الاعتماد عند الخطوة 503/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/4Add.1
7.1مقترحات لوقف العمل06/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/8 Add.1
12المسائل التي أحالتها لجان الدستور الغذائي وفرق المهام إلى الهيئة08/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/13
3.1الاعتماد النهائي لنصوص الدستور الغذائي (عند الخطوات 8 و5/8 و5 ألف)08/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/2 Add.1
12.1المسائل المحالة على الهيئة من لجان هيئة الدستور الغذائي10/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/13 Add.1
4.2اعتماد نصوص الدستور الغذائي عند الخطوة5 10/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/4 Add.2
8التعديلات في مواصفات الدستور الغذائي والنصوص ذات الصلة13/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/9
5.1إلغاء مواصفات حالية للدستور الغذائي والنصوص ذات الصلة13/06/2016
CX/CAC16/39/6 Add.1
16.1التقرير السنوي لعام 2015 والتقرير النهائي لحساب أمانة الدستور الغذائي - 1 (2004-2015 16/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/19
13.1تقرير عن النفقات (2014-2015) والتخطيط للميزانية الاستراتيجية للدستور الغذائي (2016-2017) 16/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/14Add.1
13التخطيط لميزانية الدستور الغذائي (2016-2017) وتقرير عن النفقات (2014-2015)20/06/2016
6.1Proposals for the elaboration of new standards and related texts13/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/7Add.1
14.2الدعم العلمي المقدم من منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية إلى الدستور الغذائي (الميزانية والنفقات) 21/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/19
10العلاقات بين سياسات منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية واستراتيجياتهما وخطوطهما التوجيهية وعمل الدستور الغذائي 23/06/2016
Cx/CAC 16/39/11
2Report of the 71St Session of the Executive Committee24/06/2016
211الطبيعة الأساسية للعلم وإجراءات وضع المعايير في هيئة الدستور الغذائي (Comments of الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, غانا, الصومال الإكوادور , كوستاريكا, البرازيل)24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/11
213التزام عالمي لمعالجة مقاومة مضادّات الميكروبات كمصدر قلق بالغ على الصحة العامة (Comments of الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) 24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/13
220 مسائل مستجدة: نهج مقترح لإدارة المخاطر للتعامل مع الكشف في الأغذية عن الكيماويات ذات التأثير شديد الانخفاض على الصحة العامة (مقترح مقدم من نيوزيلاندا)27/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/20
16.2FAO/WHO Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in CODEX (Status Report of the Successor Initiative Started in January 2016) FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund-2 26/07/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/20
14.3الدعم العلمي للدستور الغذائي من قبل منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية (تعزيز الاستدامة) 13/06/2017
CX/CAC 16/39/17
0.1ANNOUNCEMENTS for delegates03/05/2016
9Codex Work Management and Functioning of the Executive Committee27/05/2016
0.2Side events CAC3931/05/2016
14.1FAO/WHO scientific support to Codex (report on activities)03/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/15
15FAO and WHO capacity building activities (report on activities)03/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/18
17Relations between the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other International Organisations03/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/21
106Communication from ISO06/06/2016
CAC/39 INF/6
108Communication from UNECE06/06/2016
CAC/39 INF/8
105Communication from OIV07/06/2016
CAC/39 INF/5
18.1Timetable for the Commission Including Nomination Periods and Election Selection of Officers and Appointment of Coordinators 07/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/22 Add.1
102Communication from OIE10/06/2016
CAC/39 INF/2
12.2Matters referred to the Commission by Codex Committees and Task Forces (Committee on Sugars)13/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/13 Add.2
107Communication from IAEA14/06/2016
CAC/39 INF/7
16.11FAO/WHO Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in in Codex (Codex Trust Fund-1 2015 and Final Monitoring Report) 20/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/19 Add.1
103Comments from WTO SPS 22/06/2016
CAC 39/ INF/3
104Communication from STDF22/06/2016
201Division of Competence between the European Union and its Member States according to Rule of Procedure II Paragraph 5 of the Codex Alimentarius 22/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/01
11.1Comments 10/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/12 Add.1
CX/CAC 16/39/10
CX/CAC 16/39/5
CX/CAC 16/19/3x
CX/CAC 16/39/5 Add.1
CX/CAC 16/39/3 Add.1
203Item 4: Comments of India, Indonesia, Philippines, Senegal24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/03
204Item 5: Comments of El Salvador, Indonesia, Senegal24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/04
205Item 6: Comments of El Salvador, Indonesia, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Singapore24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/05
206Item 7: Comments of Kenya, Indonesia24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/06
207Item 8: Comments of Indonesia24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/07
208Item 9: Comments of India, Japan, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Senegal24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/08
209Item 11: Comments of El Salavdor, India, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Thailand and HealthForAnimals24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/09
6.2Proposals for the elaboration of new standards and related texts24/06/2016
CX/CAC 16/39/7 Add.2
212Norwegian proposal for conducting new work on histamine by normal procedure under the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene rather than by correspondence under the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products 24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/12
219Comments of Benin on Item 3, 4, 5, 1124/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/19
218Comments of Gambia on Items 4, 6, 9, 1124/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/18
217Comments of Tanzania on Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 20.224/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/17
216Comments of Mali on Items 3, 4, 11, 20.224/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/16
215Item 21: Comments of Senegal24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/15
214Comment of the African Union (AU) on Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16.1, 16.2, 20.2. 24/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/14
221Comments of Ecuador on Items 3-7, 9, 11, 12, 20.227/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/21
202Item 3: Comments of the European Union, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Singapore27/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/02
223Comments of India on Item 627/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/23
222Comments of Guinea on Items 3,5,1127/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/22
226Comments of Iran on Item 1227/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/26
227Comments of the European Union on Item 1127/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/27
225Comments of Cameroon on Items 3-6, 9, 11, 16, 20.227/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/25
210Item 12: CCGP (Inida); CCFFP (Kenya, Nigeria); CCMAS (AOCS, India, Kenya, EUVEPRO); CCMMP (India, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Kenya, United States of America, Uruguay); CCS (Costa Rica, Ecuador, Sudan); CCFL (Egypt) 27/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/10
228Comments of Sierra Leone on Items 3-8, 16.2, 20.227/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/28
229Comments of Guina-Bissau on Items 3-627/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/29
230Comments of Australia on Item 1127/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/30
224Comments of Egypt on Items 3-6, 9, 11, 12, 14.3, 20.2 27/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/24
231Revised Comments of Australia on Item 1128/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/31
234Summary Report of 1st Meeting of the Codex Trust Fund Advisory Group28/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/34
233Comments of Senegal on Item 20.228/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/33
232Comments of Sudan on Item 20.228/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/32
235Comments of USP on CRD 26 ( Proposal on new work on Food Integrity/Food Authenticity) on Agenda Item 1229/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/35
236Comments of Ecuador on Item 12 (CCMMP - Processed cheese)29/06/2016
CAC/39 CRD/36
237Actions to promote the visibility of Codex - Comments of Costa Rica on Item 2129/06/2016
CAC/30 CRD/37