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Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance
04/10/2021 - 16/10/2021 | Virtual,


The 8th Session of the Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance will be held virtually from 4-9 and 13 October 2021, 13:00-16:00 CEST with adoption of the report on Saturday 16 October 2021.


The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting of the Working Groups on the Code of Practice and the Guidelines for Monitoring and Surveillance are kindly invited to consult the Information for Delegates webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Korean.


Tentative timetable for TFAMR8.

Download: English


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Online Registration System (ORS) by accessing the link below, latest by 48 hours in advance of the start of the plenary meeting i.e. 2 October 14:00 CET.
Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points of Member Countries and Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]


webinar-programmeGuidelines for the Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne AMR

Two webinars were convened on 19th and 20th January 2021 which enabled the Chairperson of the EWG to provide an overview of the work to date and the areas needing further input and allowed Members to provide comments and questions for further consideration by the EWG. The webinar was open to Codex Members and Observers as part of the efforts underway to facilitate progression of the Guidelines at the next session of TFAMR.

Webinar details and programme are available here (click to download)

The recordings of the Webinar are available; 19 January 2021 - 20 January 2021

Register16 March 2021 | 12:00-14:30 (CET)
Activities to support monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in the food and agriculture sectors

This webinar provides an overview of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use monitoring and surveillance activities ongoing in FAO, WHO and OIE.

Video recording of the webinar and all presentations are available here.

Register8 April 2021 | 9:30-11:30 (EDT) 15:30 – 17:30 (CET)
Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Antimicrobial Resistance

This webinar provided an update on work taking place in Codex on the revision of the Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance.

It also provided participants with an insight into the advances made in the risk management of AMR as contained in the revision of the Code of Practice to Contain and Minimize of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance and an overview of key issues that have received substantial discussion. It provided an opportunity for participants to share their views on the current draft to the Chairperson and Co-chairpersons of the EWG working to finalise the revision.

The programme is available here (click to download)

Background documents on the discussion of the CoP to support participation in this webinar:

Video recording of the webinar is available here in Speaker view or Gallery view mode.


The reports of the EWGs established by TFAMR07 are available in CL 2021/32-AMR (Code of Practice) and CL 2021/33-AMR (Guidelines for Monitoring and Surveillance) in English, French and Spanish and can be downloaded from the Codex Circular Letters or the TFAMR Related Circular Letters.

Comments in reply to these circular letters were considered by the virtual meetings of the Working Groups.
• Comments on CL 2021/32 are available here
• Comments on CL 2021/33 are available here
Further information on the virtual meetings of the WGs is provided below.


The working groups established by TFAMR7 to meet physically in advance of TFAMR8 to consider the Guidelines for integrated monitoring and surveillance of foodborne AMR (GLIS) and the Code of practice to minimize and contain Foodborne AMR (COP) will take place virtually during the period 10 to 18 June 2021 according to the following schedule (click to download).

10 June 2021 – Working group meeting on the GLIS
11 June 2021 – Working group meeting on the GLIS
14 June 2021 – Working group meeting on the COP
15 June 2021 – Working group meeting on the GLIS
17 June 2021 – Working group meeting on the COP
18 June 2021 – Working group meeting on the GLIS

Q & A with Rosa Peran, The Netherlands, Chairperson of the GLIS EWG available in English, French and Spanish.

Q & A with Donald Prater, USA, Chairperson of the COP EWG available in English, French and Spanish.

The report of the working group meeting on GLIS and the revised Guidelines are available in CX/AMR 21/8/6. To facilitate your review of CX/AMR 21/8/6 a tracked changes version of the revised guidelines is available here.


Documents for consideration by TFAMR08 will be posted in due course. Please check the list of circular letters for requests for comments on the Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Foodborne AMR and the Guidelines for the Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne AMR available from the Codex Circular Letters or the TFAMR Related Circular Letters.


Chairperson Prof. Yong Ho Park, Republic of Korea, previews the upcoming session.

Related documents

ItemDescriptionUpload date
Document Reference
6.1Guidelines on integrated monitoring and surveillance of foodborne AMR (at Step 4) 28/07/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/6
1Provisional Agenda16/08/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/1
5.1Revision of the Code of practice to minimize and contain foodborne AMR (at Step 7)18/08/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/5
4Matters arising from other relevant international organizations16/08/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/4
2Matters referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other subsidiary bodies 10/09/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/2
3.1Matters arising from FAO/WHO/OIE10/09/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/3
3.2Matters arising from IPPC10/09/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/3-Add.1
101Division of Competence between the EU and its Member States01/10/2021
0Report of TFAMR0820/10/2021
6.2Comments at Step 3 in reply to CL 2021/59-AMR (GLIS)14/09/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/6-Add.1
5.2Comments at Step 6 in reply to CL 2021/65-AMR (COP)27/09/2021
CX/AMR 21/8/5-Add.1
102Revised draft guidelines on integrated monitoring and surveillance of foodborne AMR prepared by the Chair and co-chairs of the EWG 01/10/2021
104Comments of HealthForAnimal (Agenda Items 5 & 6)01/10/2021
105Comments of the Kenya (Agenda Items 5 & 6)01/10/2021
103Comments of the UK (Agenda item 6)03/10/2021
107Comments of Ghana (Agenda Item 5 & 6)04/10/2021
108Commets of Philippines (Agenda Item 5 & 6)04/10/2021
106Comments of Nigeria (Agenda Item 5 & 6)04/10/2021
109Comments of Indonesia (Agenda Item 5 & 6)04/10/2021
110Comments of Morocco (Agenda Items 5& 6)05/10/2021
111Revised draft Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance(Chapter 9)05/10/2021
112Revision of the Code of practice to minimise and contain foodborne AMR- proposal of the chair and co-chairs of the EWG05/10/2021
CRD12 Rev
113Revised draft Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance(Chapter 8.1 - 8.3)06/10/2021
114Revised Draft Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance(Chapter 8.4 - 8.7)07/10/2021
115Principles and Footnote: proposals from EWG Chair and co-Chairs07/10/2021
116Revised proposed Draft Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance (Chapter 10)08/10/2021
117Proposed Draft Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance11/10/2021
118All files zip collection