Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

Inception workshop of the TCP on Fall Armyworm Workshop

29/11/2019 30/11/2019

The Fall Armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda), a transboundary insect pest native of the Americas, was first officially reported in India late July 2018, initially confined to the Southern State of Karnataka. Despite multiple measures implemented, due to its biology and ecology the infestation has now spread to some 20 states and continues to spread in the country and across Asia. As in other countries, FAW in India has been primarily found on maize; but also with limited damage on sorghum (Jowar). With the onset of the kharif seasons, many farmers worry at the food security and economic impact of the pest on maize.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and FAO are launching a new Emergency Technical Cooperation Project to scale-up the sustainable management of the FAW in India. It will build on several decades of collaboration between FAO and India on Integrated Pest Management and plant health; on lessons drawn in India since the onset of the pest; and on FAO’s considerable experience on the management of FAW- with active projects underway in over 50 countries to support governments, farmers, researchers and others in sustainable management of FAW.

The project’s overall objectives are to:

1) Prevent/reduce yield losses and economic and food security impacts;                            

2) Promote environment-friendly, safe strategies including biological control for the sustainable management of the FAW, to protect human and ecosystems health and livelihoods

This will be achieved in particular by:

-          Scaling-up sustainable management of FAW through the promotion of ecology-based IPM and biological control

-          Rolling-out well-informed mass information campaigns and training on FAW for farmers and trainers through Farmer Field Schools (FFS)

-          Supporting improved early warning and monitoring of FAW to generate real-time knowledge across Indian agro-ecologies and cropping systems

Objectives of the workshop:

  • Take stock of the situation of the FAW infestation in India
  • Share with states lessons and available options from India and international experience
  • Discuss the new FAO-MOAFW project, and design recommendations for implementation