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FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department


Fifteenth Session

Agadir, Marocco, 22 - 26 February 2016

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Working Documents

COFI:FT/XV/2016/1 Rev.1

Provisional Agenda and Timetable

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/2 Report on fish trade-related activities in FAO

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/3 Recent developments in fish trade

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/4 Fish trade and building resilience along the value chain

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/5 Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/6 Review of food quality and safety-related market access requirements

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/7 Trade in fisheries services

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/8 Update on implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/9 Update on CITES related activities

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/10 Monitoring the implementation of article 11 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF)

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/11 The impact of aquaculture supply on trade and consumption

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Information Papers
COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.1 Provisional list of documents

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.2 Provisional list of delegates and participants
COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.3 Text of opening address

Report of the Fourteenth Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, Bergen, Norway, 24-28 February 2014 (Trilingual)

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Report of the Eighth Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, Brasilia, Brazil, 5-9 October 2015 (Trilingual)

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.6 Report of the Expert Consultation on Catch Documentation Schemes (CDS)

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.7 Proposed Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes - A proposal from Norway

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.8 Analysis of gaps and inconsistencies in the seafood traceability standards and norms (English only)
COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.9 Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

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COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.10 Regional Statistical Analysis of FAO Members' Responses to the questionnaire Monitoring Implementation of Article 11 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) (English only)
COFI:FT/XV/2016/Inf.11 Statement of competence and voting rights by the European Union and its Member States

FAO, 2017