Welcome to the  factsheet -web webservice application

This is the a REST based webservice using this xml schema. Go here to for more documentation.
URL Resource Description
domain/ DomainList List of all the domains.
domain/{domain} FactsheetList List of the factsheets in all languages for the given domain.
domain/{domain}/language FactsheetList
domain/{domain}/language/{language} FactsheetList List of the factsheets in all languages for the given domain and language.
List of the factsheets in all languages for the given domain.
domain/{domain}/factsheet/{factsheet} LanguageList
List of the available languages for that factsheet, given the domain.
domain/{domain}/factsheet/{factsheet}/language LanguageList ,,
domain/{domain}/factsheet/{factsheet}/language/{language} Factsheet
The actual factsheet, given the factsheet, domain and language.
Node The xpath result given the xpath expression, factsheet, domain, and language. The xpath expression can go up to 5 levels deep. 
domain/{domain}/factsheet/{factsheet}/language/{language}/xpathdescendant/{xpathdescendant} NodeList Given the name of an element, this operation returns whatever element including its descendants.

version 0.0.6