Table 5. Sequence of different feeds used for different size groups of European seabass and their average proximate composition
Diameter BW (g) CP, % CF, % NFE, % Ash, % Fibre, % P, % DE, kJ/g DP/DE (g/kJ)
90�200�400 �m Co-Feeding  62�72  8-12 15 <12 <0.5 1.6 17�19 30�34
80�300 �m Weaning 62�66 11 15 <13 <0.7 1.7 18�19 30�31
0.5  0,3�0,5 58 15 10 <11 <0.5 1.6 18�19 28�29
0.8 0,5�1,0 56 18 9.5 11 <0.5 1.6 19 28�29
1.1 1,0�3 56 18 9.5 10 <0.5 1.6 19 28�29
1.5 �1.8 mm 2�7 50�53 16�18 11 10 1 1.6 18�19 24�26
 2.2  mm  7�30  50-53  16�17  12�15 <11 <1.5  1.5�1.6 18�19 23�24
 3.2  mm  25�50  45�48  17�18  12�15 <11 <2  1.3�1.4 18�19 23�24
 4  mm  50�150  43�47 13�20  12�16 <10 <2  1.3�1.4 17�19 20�21
 5.5�6  mm  150�400  43�47 13�20  12�17 <10 <2  1.3�1.4 17�19 20�21
6�8 mm 400�800  43�47 13�20  15�17 <10 <2  1.3�1.4 17�19 20�21
8�9 mm  800�1200  46�50 13�19  15�17 <10 <2 1.3�1.5 17�19 21�22
9�10 mm  >1200  46�50 13�19  15�17 <10 <2 1.3�1.5 17�19 21�22
BW = body weight; CP= crude protein; CF= crude fat; NFE= nitrogen free extract; P= phosphorus; DE= digestible energy; DP = digestible protein; kJ= kilo joules
Source: Different feed company charts (Biomar, Le Gouessant, Skretting)