Système d’information sur les ressources alimentaires et d’engrais en aquaculture

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What is a typical, suitable proximate analysis for the diet for Atlantic salmon?
Proximate composition Life stage/size class
(% dry feed basis) Fry Fingerling Juvenile Grower Marine grower Broodstock
Crude protein, % min 50 45-50 45 42-45 40-45 45
Crude lipid, % min 16-18 20 20 20-24 24-30 24
Carbohydrate, % max 10 10 12 12 12 12
Crude fibre, % max 2 3 3 3 3 3
Digestible energy, min kJ/g 19 19 19 20 20 19
Protein to energy ratio, mg/kJ 23–24 22–23 21–22 20–21 17–18 18
Phosphorous, % min 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
2. What is a typical feed formulation for Atlantic salmon diets?


Ingredient composition (%) Life stages
  Fry Fingerling Grower Marine grower Broodstock
Fishmeal, herring 60.05 40.01 32.04 28.08 35.07
Corn gluten meal 0 10 10 8 0
Poultry byproduct meal 0 10 10 10 8
Fish soluble protein concentrate 5 0 0 0 0
Krill meal  2 0 0 0 2
Poultry feather meal 0 5 3 6 5
Soybean meal, dehulled 0 5 12 12 10
Brewer’s yeast  4 0 0 0 4
Blood meal  2 0 3 0 0
Ground wheat 14.01 13.01 8.02 7.04 14.01
Fish oil 10.04 14.08 19.04 25.08 19.02
Vitamin premix 1 1 1 1 1
Mineral premix 1 1 1 1 1
Ingredient composition (%)  Life stages
Fry  Fingerling  Grower    Marine grower  Broodstock  
Fishmeal, herring 60.540.132.428.835.7
Corn gluten meal
Poultry byproduct meal0.
Fish soluble protein concentrate5.
Krill meal
Poultry feather meal
Soybean meal, dehulled0.
Brewer’s yeast
Blood meal
Ground wheat
Fish oil  10.414.819.425.819.2
Vitamin premix
Mineral premix
3. What protein and key amino acid levels should be considered in Atlantic salmon diets?

Dietary protein requirement of Atlantic salmon varies at different stages of its life and they require 10 essential amino acids like any other fish species for normal growth.

Nutrients  Life stage/size class
FryFingerlingJuvenileGrowerMarine growerBroodstock
Crude protein, % min5045–504542–4540–4545
Amino acids (% minimum of dietary protein)
4. What protein sources can be used in Atlantic salmon feeds?

Several protein supplements such as high-quality fishmeal, plant protein products (soybean meal, corn gluten meal, canola meal and pea meal), animal by-product meal (poultry by product meal, meat meal, blood meal, and hydrolyzed feather meal) and crustacean meal (krill, shrimp, crab) are used in salmon feed formulation depending upon economics and availability.

Ingredients  Protein content %  
Fishmeal, Norse-LT9477.5
Fishmeal,  anchovy66.5
Fishmeal, herring72.3
Meat meal55.6
Poultry by product meal59.7
Blood meal89.2
Corn gluten meal60.7
Soybean meal, dehulled50.0
Soybean protein concentrate65.5
Canola meal38.0
Wheat gluten meal81.0
Brewer's yeast, dehydrated42.6
5. Some commonly used animal and plant oil sources and their fatty acid profiles (%)
Fatty acidAnchovyHerringCapelinMenhadenRedfishPoultry fatCanolaSoybean
Σ n-
Σ n-331.217.812.
6. What is the most appropriate feeding schedule for Atlantic salmon at different stages of the life cycle?

The most appropriate time to start feeding small-size particles in the form of granules or crumbles is when the yolk reserve is completely absorbed. At this stage, they are switched to starter feeds and fed frequently by automatic feeders or belt type clockwork feeders throughout daylight hours.
The frequency of feeding is dependent on the water temperature and body size. Generally, feeding is reduced from 8–12 times or more daily to 3–4 times a day for fingerlings and parr. Modern demands feeders and feeding schedules developed by feed manufacturers based on fish size, water temperature and energy content of feed provide appropriate directions to achieve maximum growth and feed utilization under diverse environmental and culture conditions, as shown in the table below:

BW (g)4 °C8 °C12 °C16 °C18 °C
<0.3Ad libitum   
0.3–0.8         2.0          3.0          4.0          4.5          4.5
0.8 - 5.0         1.8          2.7          3.5          3.9          3.9
5.0–10.0         1.6          2.1          3.1          3.4          3.4
10.0–25.0         1.4          2.0          2.7          3.1          3.0
25.0–40.0         1.0          1.6          2.2          2.7          2.6
40.0–60.0         1.0          1.3          2.0          2.6          2.5
775–1 0000. 
1 000–1 2500. 
1 250–1 5000. 
1 500–2 0000. 
2 000–3 0000. 
3 000 +