Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)


FMM’s Sustainable development of food systems helps governance innovations
Picture of the 1st workshop in April 21 which started the whole subprogramme, co-organized by FAO, UNEP and UNDP under the umbrella of the OnePlanet Network. The Norwegian Cooperation, through the FAO Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) funds since 2020 the “Governance Innovations for Sustainable Development of Food Systems” subprogramme. The subprogramme...
Le travail de la FAO en matière de mesure et de suivi de l’indice de couvert végétal montagneux loué et reconnu au niveau international
Paysage de montagne à Barskoon, Kirghizistan. © FAO/Mirbek Kadraliev En tant qu'organisme responsable de 21 indicateurs des objectifs de développement durables (ODD), l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) aide constamment les pays à renforcer leur capacité à produire et à utiliser les indicateurs des ODD...
International policy tools based on human rights help countries to create a sustainable blue economy, says FAO
5 May 2022, Tunis/Rome - Global normative instruments can strengthen stakeholders’ capacities in building a sustainable blue economy, FAO said in a workshop dedicated to this theme held in Tunisia on 21 March. During the event, the crucial role of small-scale fisheries to the realization of the right to adequate food...
New and renewed flexible commitments for greater results
The past four years marked a time of growth in commitments and contributions to FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM), the main pooled funding instrument for flexible and less-earmarked voluntary resources in the Organization. In 2021, the FMM partnership base grew from nine to eleven resource...
