Statistiques de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture


La FAO met au point des directives et des manuels méthodologiques, des documents techniques et du matériel de communication et de promotion sur les statistiques relatives à l’alimentation et à l’agriculture. Elle organise régulièrement des réunions internationales et régionales consacrées à l’évolution des statistiques alimentaires et agricoles.

Temperature change statistics 1961–2023. Global, regional and country trends. FAOSTAT analytical brief 84

The FAOSTAT Temperature change on land dataset, produced in collaboration with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA–GISS), covers the period 1961–2023 for 198...

Structural data from agricultural censuses March 2024 update. FAOSTAT analytical brief 83

The FAOSTAT domain Structural data from agricultural censuses was launched in 2022 to disseminate data collected in national censuses of agriculture at the agricultural holding...

RuLIS country brief: Georgian household, agriculture and livelihood estimates 2013–2021

The Rural Livelihoods Information System (RuLIS) is a set of harmonized household- and individual-level data and indicators on different aspects of livelihoods, including crops and...

UN Statistical Commission approves the creation of standalone food security and nutrition domain

Decision provides stronger basis for FAO, UNICEF, WHO and their members to intensify their work on producing and using harmonized data.

Sampling and estimation guide for SDG Indicator 2.4.1 under multiframe designs. Second edition. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series / 24-40

This guide describes the estimation process for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 2.4.1 on agricultural sustainability, considering its subindicators, across different levels of disaggregation within...

Government expenditures in agriculture 2001–2022 Global and regional trends. FAOSTAT analytical brief 78

Since 2012, FAO has collected government expenditure on agriculture (GEA) data through a questionnaire sent annually in May to more than 190 countries. Government expenditures...

La FAO met en ligne un nouveau portail donnant accès à des statistiques sur l’alimentation et les régimes alimentaires

Le nouveau domaine de FAOSTAT met en avant des statistiques issues de données alimentaires.  

Food and diet. Statistics on dietary data. FAOSTAT analytical brief 82

FAO launches the Food and Diet domain on FAOSTAT, the first centralized location for the sharing of statistics on all forms of dietary related data...

Launch event: New FAOSTAT data domain on food and diet

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is organizing a special event to launch...

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