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Interviews with Focal Points to the FAO GM Foods Platform

In order to facilitate Focal Points to learn from each other’s experiences, FAO interviews Focal Points from various countries to share their national requirement, process and experience on GM food safety assessment.There are various ways and approaches that can be taken to set up GM food safety assessment process at national level, but for countries with limited experience, the real-life examples can be the best teacher FAO would like to express its appreciation to the Focal Points for providing valuable information on the process of GM food safety assessment in their countries.




Merle Palacpac, Focal Point for Philippines is a food safety risk manager and the Chief of the National Plant Quarantine services (PQS) in the Bureau of Plant Industry of Philippines.Merle provided information about the active role taken by her and the Biosafety committee in Philippines in managing and regulating the GM food safety assessment by consulting various panels and ministries. Read the entire interview here!




Anita Anthonysamy, Focal Point for Malaysia is a research officer at the Department of Biosafety, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) of Malaysia. As a risk communicator, Anita spoke about the communication of the safety assessment results to the public as well as the public consultation process that takes place in Malaysia to make the public a part of the decision making process. Read the full interview here!




Martin Lema, Focal Point for Argentina is the Director of Biotechnology in the Ministry of AgroIndustry in Argentina and the Chair of the Biosafety Commission on AgBiotechnology (CONABIA). As a risk manager, Martin provided information about the GM Food safety assessment in Argentina and the various expertise available in their safety assessment team. He also provided tips to develop a framework for GM Food safety assessment for countries with lesser experiences. Read the full interview here!




Sol Ortiz García, the Focal Point for Mexico is a risk manager/communicator. She is the Executive Secretary at the Comisión Intersecretarial de Bioseguridad de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (CIBIOGEM). As a person who is in charge of collecting relevant data on biosafety, Sol provided various tips in collaborating with different ministries and agencies. Read the interview here!




Janet Gorst, Focal Point for Australia is a food safety assessor working as a Senior Scientist at the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). Janet provided a step-by-step diagram to describe the process of GM food safety assessment conducted at FSANZ. She also provided tips for countries with lesser experiences. Read the entire interview here!