Food safety and quality

Street food

In many countries, street foods make an important contribution to employment, household revenue and food security, and help to meet the challenge of feeding urban populations, particularly in developing countries.

Dietary habits and traditional meal patterns change when people move from rural to an urban environments, and cities offer access to a variety of foods outside the home, including from street foods, restaurants and kiosks. As an 'informal' sector of food business street foods often escape formal inspection and control. They can therefore both be the source of food safety problems and contribute to the deterioration of environmental hygiene.

Street foods and require a comprehensive policy to ensure that food is safe and wholesome. Over the years, AGNS has worked on a comprehensive programme to assist national and municipal authorities in helping to achieve this. As with all food preparation activities, basic food hygiene rules must be applied. In addition, Codex Regional Coordinating Committees have elaborated respective codes of hygienic practices for street-vended foods.

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