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Expert workshop on practical applications of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for food safety management

7-8 December 2015

FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

Workshop proceedings

Technical paper: Applications of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in food safety management


Recent advances in Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) technology and techniques have the potential to play a significant role in the area of food safety. It allows the identification and characterization of microorganisms with a level of precision not previously possible. With the rapidly declining cost, some food safety applications of WGS, with significant cross-sector potential across animal, food and human, could contribute to the global goal in consumer protection, trade facilitation and food security. The ability to improve national food safety systems may also be an advantage for access to trade in new markets and WGS may contribute to this by enabling in-depth local knowledge and potential for mitigations and control of commons pathogens and contaminants in food products.

However, the level of understanding on the concepts and potential use of WGS for food safety management varies among countries. Particularly for developing countries, there are capacity, regulatory and resource implications to be considered. While several industrialized countries have been moving forward with the technology, information on potential benefits, possible drawbacks, relevant challenges and considerations need to be analysed, with careful attention to developing and transitional countries with possibly limited capacity and resources. It is a role FAO's as well as WHO's to keep all Members informed on the latest scientific developments in the food and agriculture sectors, and provide technical assistance to those who need it.

As the first step to address the needs, an expert workshop on the practical applications of WGS for food safety management was held on 7-8 December 2015. The workshop brought together experts from around the world to discuss the current situations and uses of WGS for food safety management. The overall objective of the workshop was to develop a technical paper with concrete case studies on the use of WGS for food safety management in the regulatory frameworks at national level.



Additional Readings

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