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Chemical and technical assessments of food additives (CTAs)

The chemical specifications prepared by JECFA on food additives and flavourings are an integral part of the risk assessment.

In recent years, the Committee has begun developing Chemical and Technical Assessments (CTA) for new food additives evaluated.

The CTA reflects and emphasises the role chemical characterization plays in the risk assessment of food additives.

The document is prepared by an expert assigned before the meeting and is intended to provide the Committee with the basic information related to identity, purity and use of the food additive, as related to its risk assessment.

The final CTAs are however not endorsed by the Committee.

82nd JECFA - Chemical and Technical Assessment (CTA)

79th JECFA - Chemical and Technical Assessment (CTA)

79th JECFA - Chemical and Technical Assessment (CTA)

74th JECFA - Chemical and Technical Assessment (CTA)

67th JECFA - Chemical and Technical Assessment (CTA)