Changement climatique, énergie et alimentation
Conférence de haut niveau sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale: les défis du changement climatique et des bioénergies Rome, 3-5 juin 2008


Bioversity International

Groupe Consultatif pour la Recherche Agricole Internationale, CGIAR

34th Session of the FAO Conference: High-Level Conferences on World Food Security and Global Challenges

20th Session, FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG): Environment and Agriculture

FAO Bioenergy website

FAO Climate Change website

FAO World Food Situation website

FAO Natural Resources Management and Environment website

FAO Initiative sur la flambée des prix des denrées alimentaires

International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD

IPC Food Sovereignty, Terra Preta Forum on the Food Crisis, Climate Change, Agrofuels and Food Sovereignty

UNFramework Convention on Climate Change , UNFCCC

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Fourth Assessment Report

UN System Chiefs Executives Board (CEB): A Unified United Nations Response to the Global Food Price Challenge

UN-ECOSOC: Statement of the President of the Economic and Social Council on the occasion of the special meeting of the Council on the global food crisis

UN-system Related Events Calendar

World Food Programme, WFP