Forest genetic resources

Monitoring tools

The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture has adopted targets, indicators and verifiers for forest genetic resources to be used as assessment tools for monitoring the implementation of the Global Plan of Action. They were developed by FAO in consultation with the National Focal Points on forest genetic resources and the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources. The targets specify objectives for countries and the indicators track the progress made.

The targets (8), indicators (20) and verifiers (32) are divided into two sets; the first one monitors the responses of countries to the Global Plan of Action, and the second one assesses the state of conservation, use and development of forest genetic resources. The targets and indicators were formulated based on the broader needs and actions identified at the level of priority areas in the Global Plan of Action and they focus on actions that need to be carried out at the national level. Regional and/or sub-regional networks on forest genetic resources and relevant international organizations are invited by FAO to prepare separate reports on their contributions to the implementation of the Global Plan of Action at the regional and global levels, respectively.

Targets, indicators and verifiers for forest genetic resources (FGR). The reporting can be based on data collected at national and/or sub-national level, recognizing that some countries may not have national level systems in place but that they may be at a sub-national leve

Policy responses of countries to the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of FGR

Target A.1: Availability of data and information on FGR is increased Indicator A.1.1: Extent of national FGR inventories or similar arrangements Verifier A.1.1.1: Number and list of countries with operational national FGR inventories or similar arrangements
  Indicator A.1.2: Extent of up-to-date national FGR information systems Verifier A.1.2.1: Number and list of countries with up-to-date national FGR information system(s) or other similar arrangements
Target A.2: National in situ and ex situ systems for FGR conservation are strengthened Indicator A.2.1: Extent of national in situ conservation systems Verifier A.2.1.1: Number and list of countries with operational national in situ conservation systems
  Indicator A.2.2:Extent of national ex situ conservation systems Verifier A.2.2.1: Number and list of countries with operational national ex situ conservation systems
Target A.3: Tree seed and breeding programmes, as well as extension efforts on FGR use, are reinforced, including for conservation collections Indicator A.3.1: Extent of national tree seed programmes Verifier A.3.1.1: Number and list of countries with operational national tree seed programmes or similar arrangements
  Indicator A.3.2: Extent of tree breeding programmes Verifier A.3.2.1: Number and list of countries with operational tree breeding programmes
  Indicator A.3.3: Extent of extension efforts promoting appropriate use of FGR Verifier A.3.3.1: Number and list of countries with ongoing extension programmes or activities on FGR use
Target A.4: National
mechanisms on FGR
are created, and
national strategies for
FGR conservation and
use are developed and
Indicator A.4.1: Extent of national coordination mechanisms on FGR Verifier A.4.1.1: Number and list of countries with national coordination mechanisms on FGR
  Indicator A.4.2: Extent of national strategies for FGR conservation and use Verifier A.4.2.1: Number and list of countries implementing national strategies for FGR conservation and use
  Indicator A.4.3: Extent to which national strategies contribute to the implementation of regional or subregional FGR conservation strategies Verifier A.4.3.1: Number and list of countries whose national strategy contributes to the implementation of regional or subregional FGR conservation strategy

State of conservation, use and development of FGR

Target B.1: FGR are regularly assessed and characterized Indicator B.1.1: Assessment of FGR Verifier B.1.1.1: Number and list of species for which an up to date national distribution range is available
  Indicator B.1.2: Characterization of FGR Verifier B.1.2.1: Number and list of species that have been characterized based on non-molecular information (e.g. provenance trials, ecological or climatic zonation)
Verifier B.1.2.2: Number and list of species that have been characterized based on molecular information (e.g. range-wide sampling of populations for molecular marker studies)
Target B.2: FGR are conserved in situ, and complementary ex situ
measures have been implemented
Indicator B.2.1: Amount of FGR conserved in situ Verifier B.2.1.1: Number and list of species included in in situ conservation programmes
Verifier B.2.1.2: Number of in situ conservation units by species
Verifier B.2.1.3: Area (ha) designated and managed for in situ conservation by species
  Indicator B.2.2: Amount of FGR conserved ex situ Verifier B.2.2.1: Number and list of species included in ex situ conservation programmes
Verifier B.2.2.2: Number of ex situ conservation units by species
Verifier B.2.2.3: Area (ha) designated and managed for ex situ conservation by species
Verifier B.2.2.4: Number of ex situ accessions (in seed and clone banks) by species
Target B.3: Use and development of FGR are enhanced Indicator B.3.1: Species included in tree seed and breeding programmes (including international breeding cooperation and efforts carried out by the private sector) Verifier B.3.1.1: Number and list of species included in national tree seed programmes
Verifier B.3.1.2: Number and list of species included in tree breeding programmes
  Indicator B.3.2: Production of forest reproductive material Verifier B.3.2.1: Area (ha) and number of seed stands by species
Verifier B.3.2.2: Area (ha) and number of seed orchards by species
Verifier B.3.2.3: Amount (average number per year) of planting stock produced through macro and micropropagation by species
  Indicator B.3.3: State of tree breeding programmes Verifier B.3.3.1: Testing and selection cycle (by generation number) by species
Target B.4: Policies and
capacities supporting FGR conservation and sustainable use are strengthened
Indicator B.4.1: Integration of FGR conservation and use into relevant national policies Verifier B.4.1.1: Number of countries that have integrated FGR conservation and use into their national forest programme and/or national forest policy
Verifier B.4.1.2: Number of countries that have integrated FGR conservation and use into their national biodiversity action plans and/or related policies
Verifier B.4.1.3: Number of countries that have integrated FGR conservation and use into their national adaptation strategies for climate change
  Indicator B.4.2: Participation in regional/subregional collaboration on FGR Verifier B.4.2.1: Number of countries participating in regional/subregional networks on FGR Indicator B.4.3: Participation in international research and development cooperation on FGR
  Indicator B.4.3: Participation in international research and development cooperation on FGR Verifier B.4.3.1: Number of countries and national organizations participating in international R&D cooperation on FGR