Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Igor Hadjamberdiev

Toxic Action Network Central Asia

Author of submission 

Igor Hadjamberdiev      coordinator Toxic Action Network  Central Asia

Title of your example

Study of  potential soil suitability for organic agriculture


Sustainable food systems for improved nutrition

Date, location and geographic scope of your example

2014 – 2016 , Fergana Valley KG, and part of UZB. Sub-regional.

Main responsible entity(ies) for the implementation of your example

Study/explore of pollutants in soil, water for creating the map of good and bad areas for organic agriculture (four ranks/steps).

Key objectives and implementation approach of your example

To do/to create

Over ten tables with the information of how many toxicants in particular place in soil, in water, vegetables, meat and milk for farmers that sell (export in EU) their production

Unique maps describing and characterizing the nature of several kinds of organic harvest danger

General, complex maps of chosen areas


Whole project work (maps, analyses, findings) should essentially help local governance and village authorities to drive  home to hard risks (obsolete pesticides and toxic wastage). It also should promote and improve soil, pasture and irrigation policy for health and whole environment safety.

Funding and technical assistance of your example

It has been funding  from agro business and local governors – incidentally.

Key stakeholders involved. Describe the cross-sectoral coordination mechanism of your example, if any 

It has been support from agro business and  local governors – incidentally. But working together as volunteers permanently.

How your example addresses food security and nutrition challenges. Describe linkages to social protection policies / school food programs / sustainable food systems

Ferghana valley (Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) is the most soil rich area in Central Asia. There are numerous opportunities for small and large businesses for agricultural development and export. Dozens of fruits and vegetables can be grown here in natural, organic way, without using conservatory and fertilization. The project will help to inform local farmers and authorities about the negative effects of pesticides and pollutants that remain in soil and even being used up to now in farming. Cooperative work of NGO’s and local authorities will create an essential basic experience promoting soil, pasture and irrigation policy for health and environmental safety from one hand and understanding and awareness of the existing danger on the other. Our project will also help reduce poverty in target region and promote economic growth of our country. As the result Kyrgyzstan could become a good agricultural investment point, because of pure organic nature of vegetables and fruits being grown.

What are the elements needed for the practice to be institutionally, socially, economically and environmentally resilient and/or sustainable? 

Socially:  women organizations (as most part of man working  in Russia), Moslem group leader, water user association. 

Economically: private business, market and transport groups.

Environmental:  hunters, bee farmers, wild crafters, etc.  

The impact of your example on national policies and people’s lives. What indicators have been used to measure it?

In case the map would be adopted and implementing. The international certify  for organic (European Standard) would be receipted.

Key lessons (positive and negative) that can be learned from your example and how gaps, obstacles and any other adverse conditions were addressed

Some bureaucrats are resisting the study – as afraid finding risk factors in the area.

Sources and/ or additional background material 

Several documents sending, but big map of abandoned warehouses of obsolete pesticides cant pass the server.