Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

FSN Forum Twitter Policy

The @FAOFSNForum Twitter account is managed by FAO’s Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum).

No automation is used to post messages and tweets are written and posted exclusively by the responsible team.

2-5 tweets are posted on average everyday containing:

  1. Updates on current FSN Forum activities
  2. Promotion of FAO activities;
  3. Dissemination of publications, call for papers, vacancies;
  4. General news and information  related to food security and nutrition;

The Twitter account is constantly monitored and updated Monday to Friday.

Those who follow @FAOFSNForum are not automatically followed. Analysis of followers is carried out to identify appropriate methods of communication and content.

Posts will not be responded to unless the topic is deemed useful and the communication style adequate; the FSN Forum Team team will join the conversation and respond to requests received and, where appropriate, undertake to transfer any comments or suggestions to responsible officers.

Retweet and following does not constitute endorsement.

Any comments, suggestions and ideas from followers are welcome.

For additional information contact the FSN Forum Team.