

Últimas noticias e información sobre igualdad de género y empoderamiento de la mujer
Measuring the impact and results of a multiagency programme on rural women’s economic empowerment.
José Graziano da Silva, el Director General de la FAO y Muhammad Yunus, el Premio Nobel de la Paz, destacan los vínculos entre la lucha contra la violencia y el hambre.
La Unión Africana y la FAO piden un mayor apoyo a las mujeres rurales como agentes de cambio para acabar con el hambre.
Sarah Sikatenda, refugiada de la República Democrática del Congo, cultiva ahora para alimentar a su familia y construir un futuro.
Campaña para promover los derechos de las mujeres indígenas y su papel en los debates sobre las políticas para alcanzar el Hambre Cero
Asia is home to the largest number of indigenous peoples on Earth, with an estimated 260 million of a total of 370 million original inhabitants worldwide.
A programme that helps rural women in Kyrgyzstan gain access to new economic opportunities has received significant financial support from the Swedish government.
Ministers and senior government representatives from Asia and the Pacific have committed to ensuring greater empowerment of rural women and girls to improve their standard of living, food security and livelihoods.
While the digital revolution is reaching rural areas in many developing countries, the rural digital divide continues to present considerable challenges. The problem is even more acute for women, who face a triple divide: digital, rural, and gender.
Los organismos de las Naciones Unidas con sede en Roma celebran el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
“Sweden is happy to continue supporting a programme that has shown promising results and hopes that these new funds will convince other donors to join the partnership.”
Six out of ten international migrants reside in Asia and Europe, and a large share of them are from rural areas. Often, when these migrants settle into urban areas and find work, they send money back home to the families they’ve left behind.
El método tradicional de ahumar pescado en esta pequeña comunidad de pescadores en el este de Sri Lanka obliga a las mujeres a pasar largas horas ocupándose de los pescados colocados en mallas sobre carbón humeante. Los riesgos para la salud derivados de
A new FAO report highlights the importance of women's involvement in forest work, and calls for their interests to be better considered at both national and municipal levels.
FAO is seeking innovative ways to make the agricultural value chain more attractive to youth, thereby curtailing ‘distress migration’ and helping to provide decent employment and improved livelihoods across the continent.
Interview with FAO’s Deputy Director-General, Daniel Gustafson
FAO and the African Union (AU) Commission convened a three-day Africa-wide consultative meeting on rural women and gender in the context of the AU Agenda 2063.
El proyecto de 36 millones de dólares EEUU es destinado a ofrecer ayuda inmediata a más de 630 000 personas que padecen pobreza e inseguridad alimentaria en Yemen — más del 30 por ciento son mujeres — y a aumentar la resiliencia agrícola a largo plazo en
Africa is the world’s youngest continent, with almost 200 million people aged between 15 and 24. The potential of this demographic to transform agriculture was a key theme in a meeting held earlier this month in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Aunque cada año se incorporan a la población activa en África entre 10 y 12 millones de jóvenes, solamente se crean unos 3 millones de empleos anuales.