

Les dernières nouvelles et infos sur l'égalité entre les sexes et l'autonomisation des femmes
Nereide Segala Coelho, une agricultrice brésilienne, figurait parmi les femmes rurales d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amérique latine qui ont participé au débat avec les femmes ministres et diplomates
The new site will contribute to a series of global initiatives, focused on ensuring world food security, by highlighting the fundamental role of gender equity in eliminating hunger and poverty
Faced with rising world hunger and in response to calls for greater coherence and coordination, members of the FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS) have agreed on a wide-ranging reform, FAO announced today.
Agriculture must become more productive if it is to feed a much larger world population while responding to the daunting environmental challenges ahead, FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf said here today.
FAO is to honour five new high profile personalities as Goodwill Ambassadors, the agency announced today.
There’s not so many feel-good stories coming out of Afghanistan these days, and even fewer about life getting better for women there. But FAO has one to tell.
Women make up over half the agriculture labour force yet they are frequently subject to discrimination, poverty and hunger. A new publication launched today investigates the situation of women in the rural workforce and how some of the main challenges fac
Rapid increases in the large-scale production of liquid biofuels in developing countries could exacerbate the marginalization of women in rural areas threatening their livelihoods, according to a new FAO study.
Singer and activist Miriam Makeba says women survivors of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo face a “triple tragedy” of physical, psychological and social damage
The effect of climate change could in many areas of the world "diminish considerably the progress we have made so far in securing gender equality,” said Iceland’s Minister of the Environment, Ms Thorunn Sveinbjarnardóttir, at an FAO event marking Internat
With higher temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, and a potential sea level rise, entailing more frequent or more intense disasters, no part of the world will be safe from the impacts of the changing climate.
FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf has announced the appointment of two women to top positions in the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Spain was today awarded the Ceres Medal, coined in her honour by FAO in recognition of her efforts to raise the living standards of rural women in developing countries.
More than any other group, female-headed households in Ethiopia’s Southern Tigray region – one of the poorest in the world – have little access to tree and plant resources, which are vital for their livelihoods.
Agriculture and the right farm policies can promote healthy diets but Europeans are in some ways eating worse now than 45 years ago, an international meeting was told here.
International attention turns towards the Caribbean region on the eve of a regional conference on education for rural people to take place in Saint Lucia on 18 and 19 May 2006.
More accessible and better oriented literacy and education programmes for fishing communities will improve their livelihoods while diversifying their income-generating activities, according to a new report prepared by FAO.
Representatives of 96 FAO member countries participating in the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD) have recognized the essential role of agrarian reform and rural development for sustainable development.
On World AIDS Day, FAO profiles one of its activities to help mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural communities.
Top priority should be given to improving access to quality education in rural areas for communities of farmers, fisherfolk, and livestock producers as well as populations living in mountains, forests and deserts, FAO said today.