

Последние новости и информация в отношении гендерного равенства и расширения прав и возможностей женщин
Women in fisheries need to be seen and acknowledged, gain equal rights and equal access to credit and technology, and have equal say in decision-making and policy processes.
Tackling gender inequality and its relationship with food loss in fish value chains is a development priority and requires a multi-stakeholder approach, involving small-scale value chain actors, development partners and all those who can make a difference
Empowering young women and men entails supporting youth-led and youth-serving organizations in their capacity to represent and engage young people while strengthening their social capital.
“More than the money I am making, I am happy to be working on my own small livestock business which I can develop into something big,” he said.
Women from other districts in Côte d’Ivoire, and even from neighbouring countries, have since come to learn about the group dynamics and operation of the techniques so they can use them too.
Although one worker in two in fisheries and aquaculture is a woman, women are invisible in the industry and their work unrecognized and under-estimated.
FAO in Pakistan is striving to reduce the inequality gap between rural women and men in access to productive resources, services and rural institutions.
FAO, IFAD and WFP launch a Compendium of Good Practices on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition.
Это последнее в текущем году "Виртуальное чаепитие", завершающее целую серию мероприятий, организованных Комитетом ФАО по делам женщин, было проведено в поддержку кампании 16 дней активных действий против гендерного насилия.
Launched on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the video production was led by UN Women and WFP together with FAO, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNODC, and WHO.
Если леса «истощаются», как семья сможет выжить на маленький, частичный доход от продажи саженцев и фруктов, выращивания пшеницы и животноводства?
As COVID-19 exposed the vulnerability in our food system, this briefing underscored why empowering women and closing the gender gap is central to addressing global food security and why women need to be at the center of COVID-19 response efforts.
In marking International Day of Rural Women, FAO, IFAD and WFP organized a virtual event attended by nearly 300 participants who tuned in from the four corners of the globe.
The COVID-19 pandemic calls for an instant synchronized, people-centered and gender-sensitive response.
В докладе утверждается, что повышение статуса женщин и использование их потенциала в качестве «кулинарных героев» будет иметь решающее значение для искоренения голода в Африке.
Для Марисоль успех их возглавляемого женщиной предприятия не ограничивается экономическим аспектом.
По случаю Международного дня сельских женщин (International Day of Rural Women) ФАО призывает признать важную роль женщин в активизации процесса сельскохозяйственного развития и развития сельских районов, в укреплении продовольственной безопасности и иско
This year’s International Day of Rural Women theme is “Building rural women’s resilience in the wake of COVID-19”.
This food hero is promoting pathways for people to have access to public and private lands to grow food to nourish people in urban areas, while shortening the distance from farm to fork
KWDT призывает местных женщин объединяться в группы, так чтобы их голос мог звучать громче, а также для помощи в защите от насилия.