
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking information and recommendations for the development of a new tool to measure the impact of activities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU). USAID is particularly interested in technical input on the feasibility and ease...
An infographic to learn more about the collaboration among the U.S. SilvaCarbon Programme and SERVIR Global.
A study associated estimates on tropical deforestation and agriculture from 2011 to 2015 and found that at least 90% of deforested land occurred in landscapes where agriculture drove forest loss, but only about half was converted into productive agricultural land.
GFOI's leading partner Norway entered into a new climate and forest partnership with Indonesia. The agreement recognizes Indonesia's results in reducing deforestation and supports its efforts. With over 92 million hectares of forest in 2020, Indonesia comes in eighth in terms of countries with the largest area of forests globally, according...
Check out this article by FAO's authors to learn how how digital innovation has transformed the way we monitor the world’s forests and progress towards the Sustainable Forest Goals 13 and 15.  
The fifth edition of the Living Planet Symposium (LPS22) took place from 23 to 27 May in Bonn, Germany. Over 5000 scientists and researchers gathered to discuss the latest findings on earth science and share their work and advances in earth observation technologies. Some of the key takeaways from LPS22: - Earth...

