Региональные обзоры

Восточная Африка
Prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in recent months in the subregion. Exceptionally high levels continue to be recorded in South Sudan and the Sudan, underpinned by tight supplies and severe macroeconomic difficulties, including currency weakness. In the Sudan, [...]
Западная Африка
In February and March 2024, prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in countries of the Sahel and along the Gulf of Guinea. In several countries of the subregion, prices of coarse grains remained higher on a yearly basis.   In Mali, [...]
Южная Африка
Several countries experienced price spikes in March 2024, as underlying factors, prominently weak currencies, continue to exert inflationary pressure, while the effects of drought on agricultural production in 2024 are expected to be a key source of domestic inflationary pressure, [...]
Восток Азия
In March 2024, domestic prices of rice showed mixed trends and were significantly above their year-earlier levels in most countries of the subregion, reflecting the high cost of production and transport as well as trade disruptions following the export ban [...]
Центральная Америкаи Карибы
Wholesale prices of white maize have been overall declining since September 2023 in most countries of the subregion due to increased supplies from the main season harvest and year-on-year larger imports. In March 2024, prices continued to decline month-on-month in [...]
Южная Америка
Wholesale prices of wheat grain and wheat flour were stable or decreased in March 2024 in the subregion. In Argentina, the region’s major wheat exporter, prices declined by 6 percent month-on-month, following downward trends in international markets. Prices were more [...]
Cтраны Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии
В марте 2024 г. экспортные цены на мукомольную пшеницу из Российской Федерации снизились на 6 процентов и достигли значения на 30 процентов ниже, чем год назад, на фоне достаточных запасов зерна прошлогоднего урожая. На Украине экспортные цены на мукомольную пшеницу (предложение, [...]