
本节重点阐述了针对国内粮食价格的研究工作 -包括对价格传导、市场一体化及价格波动率的分析(主要涉及发展中国家)。重点放在以全球信息和预警系统粮食价格工具的数据为基础的研究工作方面。我们欢迎在这一领域开展更多研究工作。请把投稿发送至 [email protected],稿件至少应在工作文件方面已进行了同行审评。


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The food price surge in global markets in 2007-2008 and then again in 2011, has spurred a lot of interest in creating an early warning indicator to detect abnormal growth [...]
Author/Source: Felix G. Baquedano
Analysis of domestic price data (adjusted for inflation) from a large range of low- and middle-income countries shows that domestic staple food prices were higher in 2013 than they were [...]
Author/Source: David Dawe, Cristian Morales-Opazo, Jean Balie, Guillaume Pierre
This special issue is entitled "The Renewal of Agricultural Market Information Systems in Developing Countries". Agricultural MIS collect, process and disseminate information on the situation and dynamics of agricultural markets in [...]
Author/Source: The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Cahiers Agriculteurs
Intra-annual (within crop year) price volatility and inter-annual (between crop years) price volatility are measured for wheat, maize, rice, barley, oats and rye. A set of explanatory variables is used [...]
Author/Source: Ott, H., Journal of Agricultural Economics
This paper develops, calibrates, and runs a new food price crisis monitoring framework. The proposed framework has an integrated approach to capture global and national vulnerabilities and offers an alternative [...]
Author/Source: Cuesta, J., Htenas,A.,Tiwari,S., Food Policy
Policies regulating the international grain trade in Southern Africa (SA) are motivated by uncertainty regarding private sector performance and, in turn, private sector performance is generally constrained by the policy [...]
Author/Source: Burke, W.J. and Myers, R.J., Food Policy
Trade of agricultural commodities has grown signif icantly in most Latin American countries (LAC) over the last two decades. However, after the international food price surges in 2006-08 and 2011-12 [...]
Author/Source: Insa Flachbarth and Alberto Garrido, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
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