Modelo de Evaluación Ambiental de la Ganadería Mundial (GLEAM)

Recursos - Publicaciones y enlaces

GLEAM model description

This document describes in detail the current version of the model (GLEAM 3.0), its modules, background data, assumptions, variables and equations. GLEAM 3.0 is based on 2015 data for animal numbers and distribution, herd parameters, crop yields, feed rations and manure management systems. As GLEAM is in constant development, the documentation is subject to changes and updates. Please verify you are referring to the intended version. To retrieve earlier versions of the documentation, please contact us.

[Download the Model description (Version 3.0)]

[Download the Supplementary tables]

Publicaciones relacionadas con GLEAM

Enfrentando el cambio climático a través de la ganadería

Greenhouse gas emissions from ruminant supply chains

Greenhouse gas emissions from pig and chicken supply chains

Greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy sector

Publicaciones adicionales





Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock

Climate change and the global dairy cattle sector

Mitigación de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la producción ganadera

Global livestock production systems





SOFA - La ganadería, a exame

Gridded livestock of the world

La larga sombra del ganado

Livestock solutions for climate change


Innovaciones en Producción cárnica con bajas emisiones de carbono: experiencias y desafíos en Amércia del Sur

Sanidad animal y cambio climático

Understanding the role of ruminant systems on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health in selected Central Asian countries

Low carbon livestock development in Kyrgyzstan




More fuel for the food/feed debate




An open version of the model: GLEAM-i

GLEAM-i is an online, Tier 2, greenhouse gas (GHG) calculator specific to the livestock sector. It brings the core functionalities of the FAO Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) to the public in a web application. The current version of GLEAM-i allows the direct comparison between Baseline and Scenario conditions and includes the 2010 background data from GLEAM 2.0 as default. GLEAM-i is designed to support governments, project planners, producers, industry and civil society organizations. It can be used in the preparation of national GHG inventories, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and in ex-ante project evaluation for estimating the climate co-benefits of technical improvements in animal husbandry, feed and manure management.

[GLEAM-i guidelines]