الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Giant leaps on Soil Spectroscopy

After the launch of the initiative on soil spectroscopy by the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) of the Global Soil Partnership in April 2020, GLOSOLAN organized its first plenary meeting on soil spectroscopy from 23 to 25 September 2020. The meeting was attended by 350 participants from 63 countries, including leading institutions and organizations in the field of soil spectroscopy. 


The meeting was successful in presenting the initiative, addressing concerns, defining the governance and decision-making procedures within the initiative and endorsing the GLOSOLAN work plan on soil spectroscopy for the period 2020-2021.

Special attention was given to the establishment of the global spectral calibration library, the soil property estimation service, capacity building on spectroscopy, and the writing of standard operating procedures on soil spectroscopy for which collaboration opportunities with the IEEE Standard Associations were explored. In order to overcome any data ownership issue, the global spectral calibration library will be established as a federated system connected to the Global Soil Information System (GLOSIS). Regional champion laboratories or institutes on soil spectroscopy will be identified to support capacity building activities and safeguard the fair participation of all regions to all the proposed activities.

The initiative will be regulated by the GSP Soil Data Policy. Participants were kindly invited to revise this document and to inform the GLOSOLAN coordinator whether an amendment to it is needed. In case of need, the request for an amendment will be presented at the 9th GSP Plenary Assembly in June 2021.

More on Spectroscopy:

GLOSOLAN webpage on spectroscopy | Webstory

Meeting related document

Presentations | Agenda | Photogallery 

GLOSOLAN is an initiative of all and for all! Please join us in increasing the quality and comparability of soil data worldwide.