Conference Committee for the Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
30 March 2011 Meeting of the CoC-IEE

Chair's Aide-Mémoire for the meeting of 30 March 2011


Provisional Agenda

1.      Review of the draft CoC-IEE Report to the Conference on the IPA

2.      Updates on IPA implementation in the following areas:
      - Human Resources initiatives (Young Professionals Programme, Rotation policy, PEMS)
      - Resources mobilization
      - Resource requirements for the IPA in 2012-13
      - Ethics Committee

3.      Updates on the vision for the structure and functioning of the Decentralized Offices
      - CL 141/15
      - Information note on delegations 
      - Extract from the JM report

4.      Review of the draft Resolution on the IPA

5.      Any other matters