Conference Committee for the Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO

Past completed Meetings

28 July 2008 Joint Meeting of Working Groups I and III - TCP Allocations

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14 July 2008
15 July 2008
Fifteenth meeting of WG I - Strategic Objectives and Results, Impact Focus Areas, Goals of Member Nations

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10 July 2008
10 July 2008
Eleventh Meeting of WG III - Immediate Plan of Action

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7 July 2008
7 July 2008
Seventh Meeting of the Bureau

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4 July 2008
7 July 2008
Fourteenth Meeting of WG I - Strategic Objectives

click to get more information and related document on this meeting

3 July 2008
3 July 2008
Joint Meeting of WG I and III - Organizational Structure

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2 July 2008
3 July 2008
Eleventh Meeting of WG II - Immediate Plan of Action

click to get more information and related document on this meeting