Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

Videos and audio

Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Project - Sharks and Bycatch Update 2015
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity
Type of document: Videos
Shark and Bycatch update 2015 of the Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna project: a quick overview of 2015 progress, and plans for 2016, in the Sharks and Bycatch elements of the project.
Gestión de zonas marinas más allá de la jurisdicción nacional
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity
Type of document: Audio
Los océanos son el hogar de ecosistemas y biodiversidad de gran importancia para la ecología, la cultura y los medios de vida de millones de personas. Pero el hecho de que el 64 por ciento de su superficie sean zonas no pertenecientes a la jurisdicción nacional encuentren más allá de las áreas de jurisdicción nacional (ABNJ por sus siglas en inglés) supone un serio desafío para la gestión y conservación efectiva de la pesca y la biodiversidad. Estas zonas están ahora en la agenda internacional sobre los océanos y se debaten en los más altos niveles gubernamentales. Pero aún se necesita un esfuerzo internacional concertado para trasladar los principios acordados a políticas globales y regionales que garanticen la protección de estas áreas.
Management of Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Audio
Oceans are home to ecosystems and biodiversity that are of great importance to ecology, culture and the livelihoods of millions of people. But with some 64 percent of the oceans’ surface consisting of areas that lie beyond the national jurisdiction (ABNJ), effective management of fisheries and conservation of biodiversity in these areas pose a serious challenge. ABNJ have risen to the top of the global ocean agenda and are being discussed at the highest governmental levels. But a concerted international effort is still needed to translate agreed principles into strong global and regional policies that guarantee the protection of these valuable areas.
The Common Oceans ABNJ Program - an introduction
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Videos
The Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Program (ABNJ) - often referred to as Common Oceans - is a broad-scale, innovative approach to achieve efficient and sustainable management of fisheries resources and biodiversity conservation in marine areas that do not fall under the responsibility of any one country. In this interview, Jeremy Turner, the FishCode Program Manager in 2014, at the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), provides a general overview of the program and its primary goal to promote efficient and sustainable management of fisheries resources and biodiversity conservation.
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